Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

06 Aug


This is incredible


Originally posted by Icy_Concern

The vast majority of players in your playtest is still a much smaller number than what you think is a vocal minority, you've received so much love for what you put out yet there is one resounding criticism and that is that the team levels suck, ruin the flow and being disqualified for something ENTIRELY out of your own control is not fun or fair in any way

I enjoy this game and I want it to succeed and have a good life but there's been other game devs who dismissed criticism as a ''vocal minority'' and only started caring after the playercount dropped far below a healthy number, aka when its too late

The only way you could make team levels enjoyable for your playerbase(not your playtesters, your playerbase) is to make sure its only ever two teams going at it with an even amount of players, pretty much all of the current 3-4 team levels can be refitted for that purpose and suddenly there's a lot more balance and as a result a lot more enjoyment, at the bare minimum a...

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hey, thanks for taking the time to write this out.

The feedback we get from Reddit is totally valid and you're right that players here do represent a significant chunk of our fans. But, it does not represent ALL of them, so we need to be careful not to make snap decisions based on what's posted here.

You don't find team games fun, that's OK but I just want to make it clear that lots of people DO find them fun. We're keeping an eye on things like team-ganging to see if they become predominant strategies but the game has only been out for 2 days. We want to see what develops there and from our observations so far it's not enough of an issue that we want to take action there right now. We might in the future though- it's tricky because our playtests of two-team games like egg scrambles weren't as fun as the 3 player versions; things tended to skew one way and never go back, whereas 3 team version were more chaotic, less predictable and ultimately more fun.

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I have never seen this in nearly 2 years of development of the game. You are truly The Chosen One.

05 Aug