Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

22 Jun


Right so, the original design of 1V1 is obviously not a Team Round, so that one is easy to explain.

In terms of classifying it as Team when it is 2v2 and 4v4 in Duos and Squads respectively, we're looking into that!


Originally posted by No-Salad-39

Hi, thanks, i found by myself, I needed to install again Microsoft c++, ty anyways

Glad that it's resolved!


Originally posted by Taxfraud57329

It is a 1 v 1, like button badgers but I am told on squads it is 4 v 4

Button Badgers is a really good name


Originally posted by Plattrick

Apologies if it has already been mentioned, but in team games (so far I’ve witnessed this in Hoopsie Daisy, Egg Siege, Basketfall), you don’t spawn in front of your own “turf” (in front of your teams egg basket for example), but all beans spawn in the same location.

It has been! I am now adding that as a known issue to this post, it is being investigated. Thanks for flagging it!


Originally posted by jaywhisker37

I can next time it happens! There have been multiple posts about it here, i can link one for you!


Thanks so much! This is being investigated :)


Solo Show no longer has team games in!

Team games are present in Squads, but quite rare right now - which we don't want, and we are looking to fix that soon.


We are under incredibly high volume right now, please be patient and they will get to your issue :)


Originally posted by Quasar23647

Cool cool. I just didn’t see this particular problem mentioned, so glad to hear you’re aware of it!

I'll bring attention to that in my post copy now for others who are wondering the same!


Originally posted by lazy529

How do I finish this stadium stars challenges?
"Squadmate - Play Team Rounds in Squads Show 0/2"
Can't get any Team Rounds at all.

We are investigating this + I have updated my post accordingly! They are way too rare rn.


Originally posted by Schlong_Whisperer

Does this also affect Steam and Epic users? I play on steam and I am trying to invite someone who plays on epic but they are not getting an invite and neither am i

Are you using the Social Panel to invite them?


Originally posted by jaywhisker37

Please tell me you're aware that in every single team game in squads, all teams spawn randomly inside each other? This bug is ruining squads right now and makes many levels impossible to play or just no fun. I hope this gets fixed asap

That sounds awful, sorry that it wasn't on my radar. Is it happening 100% of the time for you? Would you mind capturing me a video?


Hey! Checked my post here and this should guide you on what to do next. https://www.reddit.com/r/FallGuysGame/comments/vi0o23/megathread_current_known_issues_under/


Try logging out of your Epic Games account completely, and logging back in.


Originally posted by catchinfeelings

I was asking about the the category. There was a bunch from the list to choose from. I ended up with "visual bug".

About the daily shop it's kinda disappointing though. Personally I don't see the reason why it's like that and it kinda feels punishing to the players who have bought a lot of the old cosmetics. Anyways...

I understand your feedback there and when I see that, I do relay it. Thanks for letting me know your thoughts on it anyway, I hope that you enjoy the other aspects of this release in the meantime!

Visual Bug made sense :) thanks for that.


Originally posted by purcellular

Hey no worries! The game's really fun and it doesn't really affect gameplay but yeah like you said it's just weird to look at, thank you for responding, you're doing a great job :)

Thank you for the kind words, and thanks for playing!!


Originally posted by Nurkic27x

Not sure if this is the right thread - are team games/rounds actually a thing? Played 100+ games (searching team mode only), yet I didn't get into a single team round so far. Seen plenty of people complain, how are we supposed to complete the challenge?

We are looking into this now and I have updated my post with this, sorry that it's happening! We're hoping to make some tweaks ASAP.


Originally posted by nolimits59

I have absolutely no audio, I am an old player played the night before Free for all it was all good, update came, no sound, checked everythhing, tried everything, reinstalled the game, installed the Epic version, sound mixer in Windows settings to force my output, restart the computer XXX times, everything, I have no game audio, but the voicechat is working...

That is SUPER weird - definitely contact Support with that one. https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new