Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

21 Jun


Originally posted by SwiggitySwooty9900

I installed fall guys for free on epic with my ps4 account linked and once going in I have no items so I went on my ps4 and it told me to log in with epic so I did and now I have no items, Iโ€™ve been playing since season 1 and only had a couple items but it would be nice to have them

No problem as those can be brought back easily! Pop Support a note: https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Originally posted by theNomad_Reddit

Only 15 minutes ago. In a game of duos. Some blocks disappeared, some blocks just faded and remained solid. My mate said it looked like I was standing on air.

We'd like to dig in even more so I have sent you a DM!



The head is actually a lower body item which is why the name is confusing - if that is what you mean? :)


Originally posted by CuteBenji

Is your day going good?

Yeah overall, though I feel like I've typed 10394k words since this morning and it's probably going to be a late one for me, but it's been really exciting!!


Originally posted by theNomad_Reddit

Only 15 minutes ago. In a game of duos. Some blocks disappeared, some blocks just faded and remained solid. My mate said it looked like I was standing on air.

Okay great, thank you for the information. We'll investigate this. We're seeing some weird things with Duos that could be related, and some network things that could also be related, but this info is valuable so thank you!


Originally posted by SerrtMerrt

I still dont see my cosmetics. I started playing the game the day it came out on plus and earned tons of cosmetics so when I heard the game went f2p with cross progression I reinstalled the game on pc but there was no cosmetics. I thought maybe game bugged ot something went wrong in cross progression and installed the game on ps4 but same issue. When I opened the game on ps4 it gave me all the trophies I earned which was weird cuz I already have them (even the trophies related tocosmetics). When I looked at my trophies there were 2 different fall guys game. My epic and ps accounts are correctly linked cuz there is no problem when playing fortnite on both platforms. Please help :(

Don't worry!

This part is easy:

When I opened the game on ps4 it gave me all the trophies I earned which was weird cuz I already have them

We had a new PS App earlier this year when we changed our publisher over to Epic Games, so that is why your trophies popped again!

For the cosmetics issue, it sounds like you might have a different Epic Games account linked on PC. Have you checked if your PC and your PS are using the same Epic ID?


Do you have another Epic Games game on your Switch, like Fortnite or Rocketleague? We have some players who had those downloaded and they were already linked to a different Epic ID on one of their systems.


Motion Sickness can depend from person to person. Even if others aren't experiencing it as severely, it doesn't mean that we don't value that sort of feedback. I have passed it on, but you can also log it with Support: https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Originally posted by TheSergol

Already did. I was hoping there was a faster easier solution. I wanted to play tonight with some friends. ๐Ÿฅบ

Hopefully that can still happen - we don't know until we check the extent of the issue! I am hopeful Support will have some wisdom for ya.


Originally posted by The_OnlyGhost

May i know an estimate of how long it will take

Unfortunately I don't have an estimate for that, I really wish I could give one but these things are minute-by-minute fluid whilst we continue to diagnose.


Originally posted by G4dhI1Zj6

Thanks for reaching out. It's fine, I am happy to wait for an update that will fix this.

Okay great! Hoping it is resolved soon, it seems to be localised to some (but not all oddly) PS5 players!


Originally posted by john20gr

well idk how but now it works i just need to get back my skins

Oki, that is slightly easier! Support can help you with that too :D


Originally posted by heckin_chill_4_a_sec

Goddamn you are on overtime today lol, you're in literally every thread. Thanks for all the answers and support! You don't have to reply, I see you're busy haha

Doin my best but I can't resist replying to my notis yet! Once things get crazy busy later I think I'll be officially at my limit hahaha


Hi! Promise not to ban you :D

When did you take this video?