
Fallout Dev Tracker

02 Apr


This means there is an account already linked. We have a support article here on this: https://help.bethesda.net/app/answers/detail/a_id/50254


Originally posted by JonWood007

Um...it looks like it's already linked? I don't recall doing this but the steam option isnt available and it looks like there's already an account there. I could've done this a while ago like for TES blades or something but i cant unlink or relink so...

EDIT: for reference: https://imgur.com/b0vuHM2

For anyone who needs help unlinking a Steam account, we recommend filing a support ticket here: https://help.bethesda.net/app/incident10

Make sure to include this information if you know it:

  1. What is the Steam Username / ID  that you linked?
  2. What is the Bethesda.net account ID that you linked?

Originally posted by pklokgieters

Are you supposed to see it in your steam library already? I already had Steam linked to bethesda.net but don't see any indicator in my steam library or on the store page that I own it

No, you will see it on April 14th when Wastelanders releases.


Originally posted by Papa_Shekels

Hey, do you know if there are currently issues with linking profiles? It's been giving me an error since they announced it, but if it's something temporarily going on with the site I don't want to waste support's time with a ticket

If you're getting that error it means an account is already linked. Here is a support article with more information: https://help.bethesda.net/app/answers/detail/a_id/50254


Originally posted by airymc

im not seeing an unlink option on the linked accounts page

You'll have to contact our Customer Support to unlink them.


Yes, the PTS is completely separate from the main game. No progress will carry over either.


Originally posted by thisisareallyahuman

curious if this means segregated servers for both clients or if cross play is allowed?

also, if it means they're actively working on improving the server codebase as I've rage quit a few times because of server issues lol

Bethesda.net players will be playing with Steam players.


Originally posted by Vorihs14

" Account linking failed. Please retry or contact Customer Support for assistance. " :( gotta try later then

You may have an account already linked then, we have a support article here for that: https://help.bethesda.net/app/answers/detail/a_id/50254


Originally posted by TheDeadPlant

Is there any way to check if my account is linked? I think I made a different account for my Fallout 4 mods on Steam and an account for my Bethesda Launcher.

Edit: I followed the link in the Steam Store page and logged in to link my accounts but I got an "Account linking failed. Please retry or contact Customer Support for assistance" message.

We have a help article here for this error message: https://help.bethesda.net/app/answers/detail/a_id/50254


Originally posted by Imbudilow

If I buy FO76 now, will I get it on Steam? There are low priced gifts

As long as you link your Bethesda.net account to your Steam account before the 13th then yes.


Originally posted by ArditF

What about moving from PS4 to PC? Will I keep my character and progress?

No, unfortunately. We can't transfer saves from different platforms.


Progress is shared between Steam and Bethesda.net!


Originally posted by Chabb

Does obtaining our free steam copy makes us elligible to the classic collection? The wording implies it's not the case but I'm not sure.

Either way: cool move. Except Atoms not being transfered (which at this point I don't give a F), I can finally abandon that horrible and stupid Bethesda launcher free of additional charge.

Yes, you'll also get the classic collection when you link your account.


Originally posted by catman5678

Wow they really got me with that April fools joke!! Bring on triple XP!

Haha glad we got you with that joke! Enjoy Triple XP!


Originally posted by Lance_Nuttercup

What if your steam account is ALREADY linked? i assume im good to go already?

You are good to go!

01 Apr