
Fallout Dev Tracker

10 Apr


Originally posted by Kevlar013

Since there can be a delay for treating tickets related to this issue, will there be a fix for those people after the April 12th deadline if they submitted a ticket before said deadline?

As long as you submitted the ticket before the deadline you will still get your copy on Steam. They're working hard on getting through all the tickets they have currently so there is a delay right now but they will get to everyone.


Originally posted by ALittleKitten_

I have a ticket in about unlinking my steam account from a bethesda account to my new one, will i still be getting a copy of fallout 76 on steam, is there something i have ask support or something?

You will, you put the ticket in before the deadline. They are working as hard as they can to get through all these tickets.

09 Apr


Originally posted by GaaraOmega

I’m not sure if you’re the right person to ask this but..

In my case I have two Bethesda accounts. I’m trying to move the Steam link from one acc to the other. Am I still eligible in this case?

You can, but be aware that it may cause you to lose progress by unlinking your account from one to the other.


Originally posted by drunkpunk138

Thanks for the reply. I can do that, but if I discover it's the wrong account I'm concerned that I won't be able to link the right one without losing my 76 progress. Is it true that that will happen if I decide to unlink the current steam account? It just doesn't make sense to me since 76 currently has no dependency on steam.

That is correct, our support page has a warning about this when you go to unlink your account.


Originally posted by GaaraOmega

Can you relay the fact that tons of people here on Reddit and elsewhere are not going to make the deadline because of your Support ticket load?

Are you guys going to extend this promotion.....?

As long as you have your ticket in before the deadline you will still receive it. Our support is working as hard as they can to get through all the tickets they're receiving.


Originally posted by drunkpunk138

Hey Lady, I have a question. I can't see the steam account linked to my Bethesda account. I contacted support and was told they can't tell me what it is, they would have to unlink it, but apparently unlinking it would cause me to lose all of my progress on 76. Could you tell me why that is? It seems strange since Steam should at least currently have nothing to do with my 76 progress. I'd like to get this on steam but I'm certainly not willing to sacrifice all of my progress for it.

If you own Fallout 4 you can check the creation club to see what account is linked. I believe you can do so on Elder Scrolls Legends as well which is F2P if you don't own FO4.


If you are already linked then you're good to go!

08 Apr


Hey there! We are actually going to post-pone tomorrow's ITV to Friday. We have a new trailer dropping for you all tomorrow, though, so keep an eye out for that :)


Have you filed a support ticket for this yet and if so can you send me the ticket number?

07 Apr


It will show in your inventory on the 14th.


Originally posted by _UnderscoreFresh

I have submited two tickets to support because i have an old account i want unlinked but i have not gotten a response what am i doing wrong?

They are working through the tickets and will get to you! I wouldn't file anymore on unlinking your account so you don't lose your spot in queue.


Yes, your character and progress carry over :)