
Fallout Dev Tracker

13 Jun


Originally posted by mikewoodsays

This is a fan forum, the mods don't work for Bethesda. You can open a ticket at https://help.bethesda.net/app/incident10, but they'll tell you they don't have the tools to restore items.

The community managers include /u/ladydevann, /u/valseek, /u/jessbethesda (among others), probably the best they can do is gather some info and have the devs check into why it happened.

This sucks, but you're probably SOL.

^ yes please fill out a ticket and follow up with me with the ticket number.


Originally posted by BHTrix

exactly what I meant actually ;p

Thought that's what you meant. Great suggestion! I'll pass it along to the team.


Have definitely been seeing a lot of feedback about this. Will share this thread with the team too :)


I can suggest this to the team and see what they think. Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback :)


This made me laugh very loud and I feel I need to apologize haha


I'll share this whole thread with the team so they can see everyone's views :) thank you for this mate


Sharing with the devs :) thank you so much for the suggestion.


Oh my... I just laughed out loud in the office.


Glad you're enjoying it! I'll make sure the devs see this feedback :)

12 Jun


Hey u/TehFook,

Would you please provide me with your platform an your Bethesda.net username so we can look into it? Also if you're on PC, can you let me know if you happen to be using any mods? Feel free to reach out by DM if you're not comfortable posting that info here.


Hi r/fo76,

We just wanted to come by and say thank you! When we say that this is one of the best communities in gaming, we mean it.

Seeing how far 76 has come with all of you has been one of the most rewarding experiences we’ve had making games, especially given how we started.

Reading stories, like u/SDP40610’s post earlier about how helpful and welcoming all of you have been to the new players coming in is what makes it even better.

Your response to all we’ve added so far, including Nuclear Winter, is incredible and we’re ecstatic you love it as much as us. You can’t know how energizing that is for the whole team and how much it inspires us to do eve...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by Muttspam

Paging /u/LadyDevann for visibility because I haven't seen this discussed here yet.

Thanks for the tag! We'll take a look at this.