
Fallout Dev Tracker

15 Mar

14 Mar


Originally posted by codexiac

Lone, It would be great to hear if they are aware of the issue with energy resistances being un-affected by armor piercing. Until that gets addressed energy damage will continue to be at a numerical disadvantage over ballistic damage.

Hey mate just coming back to update you about this. The team is now investigating the issue. Thank you again for reporting it :)


What a great time! I'm so stoked I got to watch it live! Let me know when you do it again :D


I'll mention this in my feedback :)


Originally posted by bassbyblaine

I woke up on a stage in front of rows of empty seats outdoors in the middle of toxic valley near the putt-putt golf course lol! Halfway expected wake up in Markarth!

I'm honestly waiting for a rorikroll meme video to come from the Nukashine!


On stream today it spawned us on the top of a Red Rocket that had the word "HELP" on the roof haha! Some fun tidbit information from the Dev's that designed the Nukashine on that stream too. Here's the VOD!


Noted! I'll add this to our feedback.

We are looking into addressing this issue with an upcoming hotfix. As soon as we have all the timing we will update this thread.


Hey u/jivesukka,

The plan is for this to be fixed in a future update. As soon as we have the specifics on when that is we will let you know.


Oh my he looks possessed.


Originally posted by XeroStaticFlux

@Lady, you guys told me to update my graphics driver.... So I am just to show you this isnt the issue so a real fix can begin. I guarantee you that's not the issue as I have the same problem with this ONE character on all of my computers. This isnt a user side issue as the support ticket reply assumes.

Can you shoot me a ticket number as well?


Originally posted by ScientistRickSanchez

I did not do any of the above steps, and my camp did not have any placing issue. However, I got disconnected once while I was playing, and then kept getting booted when trying to relog, just like you. So just a heads up, it may not be Fermenter related. The issue resolved itself after a couple of hours and I could log back in normally. I did not attempt any fix except for restarting the game/launcher/laptop but none of it helped.

Hmmm if this happens again can you DM me?


Hey there! Hopping in this real quick to let you know I saw this thread and I am looking into this right now. Can you send me your ticket number through a DM?

EDIT/ I sent you a DM! It seemed silly of me to ask you to send one when I could I just send one myself!


Originally posted by Wrackoon

Please buff laser rifles a bit more. They still break pretty quickly and their damage numbers are so bad they're not worth using in any scenario over a ballistic rifle.

Seen a few people mention this. Will share this feedback with the devs. Thank you Wrackoon!


Originally posted by GreenSoup2HoT

Here to report the charging feature of the Salvaged Assaultron heads is doing nothing. When using charged shots in stealth, the damage occurs, reverts back, then applies only a single shot worth of damage.

I'll let the team know this now. Thanks mate