
Fallout Dev Tracker

16 Aug


Originally posted by Lp5757

You could try /u/Ladydevann (Lost character, no response for a week on ticket.)

Hi there! OP, you can send me a DM with your ticket number and I can check with CS on it and see what's going on.

13 Aug


This is still on our radar, at this moment I don't have any updates to share though.


Originally posted by Lia69

Hey, quick question. Does customer support refund atoms? I got my fallout 1st atoms and was browsing the store and fat fingered the buy button on a bundle that I was just checking what came in it and wasn't going to buy it ._.

I can't speak for CS since I'm not in that department, but it's always worth it to put in a Support Ticket! https://help.bethesda.net/


Originally posted by thereconjacob

Haha, don't worry about it. This actually gave me a good chuckle. Since the ticket still said "Waiting on Agent" I think it was just going to say something along the lines of "please be patient while we're investigating the issue and we'll get back to you" or something like that. So I don't think I'll need any further assistance to get a response out of them. Thanks anyway :)

PS: Tell Michael to take the day off :P

Haha, fair enough! If anything changes, or if you don't get a response by the end of the day, you're still welcome to message me anytime!


Oh my... this is awkward! 😅
Sorry about that! Can you DM me your ticket number? We'll get this a proper answer.

12 Aug


Originally posted by nodadwhataboutyou

u/ladydevann u/valseek Any official communication on this?

This was addressed in today's Hotfix!

11 Aug

09 Aug


Thanks for the report! We'll make sure there is a bug in for this if there isn't already.


We're actively working on a fix for this issue. As soon as we have more information to share on it we'll let you know!


Originally posted by UselessDeadMemes

They have not responded to any post about this since the last 'fix' a year ago.

Hey OP, can you DM me your bethesda.net username, platform, and the time/day this happened?


Originally posted by MangyMoose76

Hey…I’m not OP, but thanks for reaching out to them to see if this can be resolved.

It's no issue but I need OP to message me asap, time is off the essence here u/Potentialbrilliant17

07 Aug


Hey mate, I'm sorry you've been having these issues. I don't have an answer for you right now but I can say it is being investigated.

06 Aug