So me and my friend just play For Honor, we have play For honor for a weeks but we never play together, but when we try to make a group there is problem said "failed to join group, please try again" I've search for several problem but all I got is nothing, I cant see they problem were solved or not, the forum or Q&A just dumped out without any text said that was fixed or solved. but I found some ppl said there is problem with NAT and I have red NAT but my friend have Green. so how do me and my friend have same Group, even we have different NAT, does we just need to stop play because we cant make a same group with my friend
Hi Kaito_Kuro,
If you have Red NAT then that means you're going to have problems connecting with other players, as your Router is blocking or restricting P2P access.
For this you'd want to forward the Port for the game, which can be found here. This should give you a better NAT type and may let your friend connect with you.
Thank you