Forge of Empires

Forge of Empires Dev Tracker

19 Jun

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.

Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
{ "lightbox_close": "Close", "lightbox_next": "Next", "lightbox_previous": "Previous", "lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen", "lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox_download": "Download", "lightbox_share": "Share", "lightbox_zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox_new_window": "New window", "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" } newlogo1.png In this update we are implementing technical improvement, bug fixes and add content for future events. You can find highlights of these changes down below.
  • Army
    • We've made some minor, yet handy, enhanc...
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15 Jun

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • In Space Age Titan, you needed to spend Unknown DNA to research the Unknown DNA Synthesizer and previous technologies. This has been adjusted to not require the special good anymore there. :forge_point:
  • We have made some improvements to the rewards in the Fellowship Event. More details tomorrow. :provisions:
  • Some Space Age Titan Quests had wrong conditions and/or texts. All known cases have been fixed now. If you notice anything still wrong with some Quests, please create a new bug report! :quests:
  • The stats for the units in Space Age Ti...
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    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear noble Lords and Ladies,

as you might have already read in the Daily Changelog, we are going to do some improvement. We have improved the boosts of the new buildings, as well as added some new rewards. See more details in the list below:
  • Summerhold Manor - Lv. 9:
    • :att_attacker: was increased from 5-15% to 15-25%
    • It now produces 1 Feast and Fables Selection Kit :fragment: (100 required)
  • Sunhaven Palace:
    • :att_attacker: was increased from 16-24% to 27-35%
    • 30-35% :coins:...
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14 Jun

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • In Space Age Titan, you needed to spend Unknown DNA to research the Unknown DNA Synthesizer and previous technologies. This has been adjusted to not require the special good anymore there. :forge_point:
  • We have made some improvements to the rewards in the Fellowship Event. More details tomorrow. :provisions:
  • Some Space Age Titan Quests had wrong conditions and/or texts. All known cases have been fixed now. If you notice anything still wrong with some Quests, please create a new bug report! :quests:
  • The stats for th...
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    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Here are the current stats for the new Great Buildings. If you don't know what an icon means, just hover over it on browser or tap and hold on mobile.
Spoiler: Saturn VI Gate PEGASUS X_SS_SpaceAgeTitan_Landmark2-5914257a4.png
The second gate, Saturn VI Gate PEGASUS, is named after the mythological winged horse that represents freedom and inspiration. This gate is constructed as a beacon of hope, encouraging humanity to break free from the limitations of their home system and explore the cosmos.

Street: :road:...
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13 Jun

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No update today. :x:
  • No update today. :x:
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Spoiler: Jester's Stage W_SS_MultiAge_FELL23B1-69ca96007.png
  • 2x3 :size:
  • 1x1 :road: connection required
  • Can be motivated
  • Can not be plundered
  • Antiques Dealer values:
    Time :tradecoin: :gems:
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    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Here are the current stats for the new Event buildings. If you don't know what an icon means, just hover over it on browser or tap and hold on mobile.
Spoiler: Summerhold Manor - Lv.9 W_SS_MultiAge_FELL23A9-c990d12c2.png
  • 4x4 :size:
  • 1x1 :road: connection required
  • Can be motivated
  • Can not be plundered
  • Antiques Dealer values:
    Time :tradecoin:...
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    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Space Age Titan Synthesizers only required a 1 lane road. This was not intended and has been changed to a 2 lane road. :road_big:
  • Having the Silver or Golden Event Pass unlocked could prevent you from collecting rewards there. This has been fixed. :provisions:
  • Some players were not able to buy the Fellowship Pass(es). We have created a temporary fix for that now here on beta. :provisions:
  • Some tasks in the Fellowship Event had the wrong image and/or description. They will now display the c...
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11 Jun

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Various colony specific resources did not reset, when switching to Space Age Titan. They will now reset correctly. :population:
    This issue also caused some login issues. If you can't login because of a server error, please contact the support team!
  • In the Fellowship Event, The animation of collecting feast provisions was not in line with when you actually got them. The animation will now start a bit later, when you actually receive them. :provisions:
  • The "Uses left" text for limited buildings was truncated for some languages. That no longer happens. :residential:...
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    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.

Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  

08 Jun

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The "Requirements" Tab in the Great Building Construction window did display the wrong amount of Forge Points required. It will now show the right one. :gb:
  • No update today.
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • It could happen, that no new story quest appear after the tutorial. This no longer happens! :quests:
  • Finishing the last encounter on a guild expedition level did led to a stuck arrow until you reloaded. This no longer happens! :ge:
  • The "Uses left" part of limited buildings did not fit into the box for some languages. We made it fit now! :residential:
  • Under specific circumstances, it was possible to attack a neighbor, while aid all was running for the neighborhood. You can't do this anymore! :negotiation:...
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    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No update today. :x:
  • No update today. :x:
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear Space Explorers,
Thank you for testing the age and providing feedback! As there are some bugs with the age currently, we want to give you a list of the current ones with some information regarding these issues:
Bug Info Fixed with update on
Unit stats are not yet adjusted They are currently the same as in Space Age Jupiter Moon, points for defeating them are also affected. Keen Eye is also not adjusted yet. 15th of June
Some quests have wrong texts/conditions There is one quest requiring to collect 100 of every good, but the text says you need to collect 100 of any good.
Quests requiring to collect X of each good currently require Advanced DNA Data, instead of Upcycled Hydrocarbons.
One Story Quest says you need to build 2 synthesizers, but you actually have to build 2 of one.
15th of June...
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06 Jun

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear noble Lords and Ladies,

We see and recognize the feedback you shared about the balancing change in the Fellowship Event, and we wanted to give you an insight into what contributed to this decision.

Originally, with the new balancing, we aspired to try a different approach to the Events general balancing. Unfortunately, after taking a closer look at your feedback and game data, we noticed that the new balancing did not bring the expected results in terms of negative feedback and especially less play time than the St. Patrick's Day Event. Hence why we reverted the balancing to its tried and true version.

We completely understand your desire to see a brand-new balancing for the Event tasks, and we would like to achieve that too. Since the Event is already underway, we feel like it would be more effective to re-visit potential approaches when we work on the next Event with this mechanic and not right now. We can't however promis... Read more
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
{ "lightbox_close": "Close", "lightbox_next": "Next", "lightbox_previous": "Previous", "lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen", "lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox_download": "Download", "lightbox_share": "Share", "lightbox_zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox_new_window": "New window", "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" } sat_logo.png
Dear Kings and Queens

Our newest era is on its way - introducing Space Age Titan!

Space Age Titan starts on the 7th of Jun...
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05 Jun

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The tooltip for the fellowship prizes lanes were not consistent. This is fixed. :provisions:
  • We have made some improvements to the battlefield, including preventing the tooltip from appearing when moving your mouse outside of the grid. :heavy:
  • Sometimes an empty logout window could appear. This will no longer happen. :question:
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear noble lords and ladies, it is time for the first changes already. We hope you enjoy the event!
  • As you might have noticed some buildings were stronger than what we initially announced. This was not intended and will be adjusted to be in line with the announcement.
  • Just a couple of days ago we mentioned, that we are currently testing a different balancing for the minigame. We have now come to a conclusion and will adjust the balancing to be the same as in the St. Patrick's Day Event. Thank you for providing your feedback!
    • You current progress will not be changed, however the costs and boosts will be adjusted.
    • You will be compensated with 100 Gemstones.
And that's all for today! These changes will be applied with the next daily update. Keep on forging!