Forge of Empires

Forge of Empires Dev Tracker

16 Sep

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello lovely Beta people!

I am Juber and I will be the new Community Manager for the Beta market. I moved from my position as CoCM for the German market. Now I will be here to report bugs, give your feedback to the developers and of course help you with problem you might stumble across. :)
I already bring a lot of experience from my 1 1/2 years as German CoCM, almost 4 years of moderation there and also now almost 9 years of game knowledge.
Lets try making the game even better than it already is ^^  

15 Sep

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • It was possible to collect daily castle points twice at midnight
  • Halloween items couldn't be exchanged in the Antique's Dealer
  • We have added a warning window if players try to attack or negotiate an ignored province in the Guild Battlegrounds

14 Sep

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • When clicking on the Great Building button in the social tab the game restarted
  • The right arrow on the GVG sector infoscreen is too far to the left
  • Guild context menu(clicking the gears in the topleft) is not properly aligned
  • We have added a No Age Units filter in the unit management that includes Rogues, Military Drummers and Color Guards
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Beta Queens and Kings,

Today I have to announce a change in Community Management.
I have been offered the chance (and challenge) to become the Community Manager of a new game that is currently still in development by Innogames.
Unfortunately this means that I will be leaving the Forge of Empires team.
Ofcourse I won't be leaving immediatly, I will stay in the background a bit longer to ensure a good transition to the new Community Management and support the team where necessary.

I have had a blast in the last 9 months being the Community Manager of such a great community and this awesome game.
I would like to thank you all for what you've done and your enthousiasm in constantly improving this game.

Keep forging!

Farewell...Lordwasa :cool:  
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The chance to uncover an item in the Halloween Event has been increased slightly
  • It was not possible to unignore a player

12 Sep

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Queens and Kings,

For the detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:

  • We fixed an issue where mouse hovering a few units via Army Management, would sometimes not display the full values text.
  • We fixed an issue where new founders were not being reassigned on guilds where former founders stopped playing the game.
  • The player search function was not working properly in the Global Ranking window when searching for your own nickname. This issue has been fixed now.
  • The scrolling function was not responding properly when trying to scroll in the Goods tab of the Inventory Window. This issue was only affecting Mac users, but it is now fixed.
  • We fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to disable the Province Tagged confirmation window on Guild Battlegrounds...
Read more
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The research 'Stilt House' gives an error in the console
  • In the production menu we have added a direct button to go the market to trade goods that are missing to start a production similar to the research tree
  • We have removed the possibility to whisper other players directly
  • The after battle window has been resized
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.
Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  

10 Sep

    Leones on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Refreshing the summer event wheel would show the prize you'd receive before the spin was finished.
    Leones on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • One of the loading screen hints about the number of friends you can invite was wrong.
  • The settings window had missing scrollbars and had some overlap between buttons.

08 Sep

    Leones on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Context menu for friends would sometimes be cut off by the edges of the screen.
  • Some Halloween Event buildings have had their bonuses adjusted.
  • Some reward windows would not appear (e.g. Pumpkins in the Halloween Event)
    Leones on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone!

As of today's Beta Deployment, we have once again made changes to the Horror Circus event buildings.

With this deployment, we have re-balanced the Mystical Organs and Terror Teacups attacking bonus for defending armies, as well as added an attacking bonus for attacking armies to the Terror Teacups building (replacing an atk for def bonus).

Let us know your thoughts in the feedback thread linked to the announcement above!

Your Forge of Empires Team  

07 Sep

    Leones on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The antiques dealer exchange did not always show slots unlocked through the castle system.
  • Pirate's hideout level 1 could be plundered
  • Buildings overlap when returning to your city after reconstruction mode
    Leones on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • There was a missing waiting quest on the first day of the Halloween Event
    Leones on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.
Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  

04 Sep

    Andram on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please, could you try clearing your cache and cookies as the first step in our troubleshooting process? After that the reward window should appear.
It happened to me too and after that everything is ok.  

03 Sep

    Leones on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • In some cases, accepting trades could cause internal errors
  • The library/toy collection window from the Halloween Event was not accessible

02 Sep

    Leones on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Scrolling in the goods list did not always work properly

01 Sep

    Leones on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • It was sometimes not possible to disable the extra confirmation for attacking a blocked GBG province.
  • Players no longer in the neighborhood resulted in not being able to open the summer event window
  • Searching for your own name in the rankings did not work correctly
  • It was possible for guilds to not have a founder
  • Large military bonuses were truncated in the unit tooltip
    Leones on Forums - Thread - Direct
Feel free to leave your feedback for the 2021 Halloween Event here :)