Forge of Empires

Forge of Empires Dev Tracker

20 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.
Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  

17 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates today

16 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Queens and Kings,

For the detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:


  • There was a technical issue that sometimes allowed players to collect the same incident twice, this has now been corrected.
  • Within the Message Center, there were some known issues with the spacing of text. This now displays correctly.
  • With production collections, there was a rare issue where the building would display as collected (after clicking on it), however the production would not be collected. This has now been fixed, and no longer occurs.
  • Within The Feudal Japan Cultural Settlement, there was a rare technical issue that occurred after trying to dismiss a negotiation by closing the window. This has now been fixed.
  • Within the Tutorial, there was a r...
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    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Requirements of some Wildlife event quests have been changed/simplified to ensure that all players can solve these quests. Included quests are quests that require coin and supply productions and quests that involve the Guild Expedition.
  • The regeneration of Wildlife tickets has been increased from 6 hours to 8 hours

15 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • It sometimes happened that players got stuck in a battle loop in the PVP Arena. This should now be fixed.
  • Sometimes it could happen that the incorrect number of PVP Arena attempts was displayed on the browser. This should now be fixed.

14 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The Log Cabin had an 8 hour production window, this should be 24 hours and has been fixed.
  • When playing the Wildlife Event you should always start with paws in your puzzle now.
  • The content of chests in the Wildlife Event has been improved.
  • After attacking your neighboor the attacking button stays in the social bar for a couple of seconds. This has now been fixed.
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue with the spacing in a Message Center message when only one word was reacted
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.
Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  

10 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates

09 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • When starting a new account the tutorial wasn't triggered correctly. This has now been fixed.
  • In the tutorial when moving the Hunter building tabs in the building menu are clickable while they shouldn't be. This has now been fixed.
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Kings and Queens,

Since the launch of the Soccer Event, we have discovered that the Athlon Abbey went live with the wrong balancing. As of the 7th of June, we have moved forward with a fix to improve the building and correct this balancing issue.

In terms of the balancing changes made, at level 9 players will now collect 8 Forge Points (instead of 7).

At level 10, players will now collect 11 Forge Points (instead of 10) and will also receive an improved defending bonus for their defending armies.

Your Forge of Empires Team  

08 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • When waiting for your next Wildlife daily quest to be available the questwindow had a tooltip. This should not be the case and has been fixed.
  • When going into reconstruction mode and storing all the streets while an incident is available on one of your streets the reconstruction mode would stop working. This has now been fixed.
  • Added an extra optional way to finish Wildlife quests that require progress in the Guild Expedition to ensure that players that haven't unlocked the Guild Expedition are able to finish this quest.
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't finish or abort unfinished fights

07 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • On some markets the timer for the Event Hub didn't fit correctly. This has now been fixed
  • When dismissing a negotiation in the Japanese settlement the game would stop working. This has now been fixed
  • Several new buildings have been added to the Antique's Dealer:
    • Auction:
      • Hanami Bridge selection kit
      • Airship selection kit
      • Globe Fountain building
      • Hippodrome Carceres selection kit
      • Hippodrome Sphendone selection kit
      • All 3 chain track buildings
      • Governors Villa selection kit
      • Sentinel Outpost building and upgrade kit
      • Tactician Tower building and upgrade kit
    • Shop
      • Winter Train selection kit
      • All 3 Chain Wagon building
      • Olympic Treasury selection kit
      • Celtic Forest (all buidlings and their upgrade kits)
      • Sentinel Outpost building and upgrade kit
      • Tacticians Tower building and upg...
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06 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • When exchanging buildings in the Antique's dealer the expected amount of gemstomes you would receive didn't show. This has now been fixed.
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.
Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  

04 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Sometimes Forge Points production weren't collected properly and you needed to reload to collect them again. This issue has now been fixed.
  • After running out of moves in the Wildlife Event the out of moves window was shown twice. This has now been fixed.

03 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Queens and Kings,

For the detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:

  • When finishing a league and earning a milestone chest, the game was not triggering the message to show the results and rewards (although the rewards were still delivered). This issue has been fixed now.
  • We fixed an issue where the "Learn More" button was not working in Construction Menu.
  • After being repelled upon trying to plunder an opponent, the next successful plunder would not display the gained loot. This issue has been fixed now.
  • There was an issue where visiting another city through the Social Bar would display a visual population change at the top of your screen. This is now fixed.
  • We fixed an issue where the Antiques Dealer would be slightly misplaced in rare occasions after loadi...
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    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
To clarify some questions that we have received. The Eagle Mountain gives an attacking and defending bonus to your attacking army and the Bear Mountain gives an attacking and defending bonus to your defensive army.  

02 Jun

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The PVP Arena didn't reset on some markets. This has now been fixed
  • The rounding of some medal expansions were incorrect. This has now been fixed