Forge of Empires

Forge of Empires Dev Tracker

25 Apr

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
MooingCat said: The dimensions are flipped in the asset names, and perhaps in other parts of the code as well
That would be correct, the announcement is made from the raw data in the code in which the ..x.. is basically flipped.
I will edit it in the announcement.  
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
UBERhelp1 said: That is a big embassy. Looks like this one is going to be even larger than Egypt in terms of building size.
That's correct, it will be the biggest Cultural Settlement up to date :)  
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Queens and Kings,

For the detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:

  • The loading times to open the "about tab" in settings would usually be longer than other tabs. This issue has been fixed now.
  • After doing a manual battle on Guild Battlegrounds, the map location would not be centered to the engaged sector. This issue has been fixed now.
  • We fixed an issue where reporting a player would not directly add the reported player to the ignore list.

Mobile-only Changes
This is the mobile section of the changelog. These are things that you won't see on the desktop version of the game and only concern the mobile interface or functionality. Keep in mind that the time the mobile update becomes available depends on the stores and can be s... Read more
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Let us know what you think about our teaser of the next Cultural Settlement!
You can find all details here.  
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Kings and Queens,

In January 2021, we created a post asking you which culture you wanted to see represented as the next Cultural Settlement, and why. From the comments on the post, we had many fantastic suggestions provided, with very detailed reasons given regarding their preferred selection.

We would like to thank you very much for these contributions, and truly we could've picked any of the ideas that were raised. However, as we could only pick one (for now), there was one suggestion that set itself apart from the rest.

Today, we are proud to present our next Cultural Settlement—The Mughal Empire!

For those of you that are unfamiliar with The Mughal Empire - it was an empire th... Read more

22 Apr

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The tooltips for guild rights have been updated

21 Apr

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • When collecting an incident players sometimes received a message with 'collection not possible'. This should now be fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where the location on the continent map would change after using manual or auto battle in exploration sites.

20 Apr

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where rewards during the tutorial weren't credited correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Explosion Animation from the Arctic Orangery, Kraken or Virgo Project wasn't visually shown correctly.
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates today

19 Apr

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
BritishBoy said: On many many previous announcements devs used to state about last year main event prizes as well as main prizes of previous events/ This time no mention about it? so @lordwasa could you or any other ...
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    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Soon the Soccer Cup 2021 Event will start. Leave your questions and feedback here.
You can read all about the event here.  
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Kings and Queens,

The Soccer Cup is back for 2021, and Coach Miller needs your help to lead her team to victory! Starting from April 21st, the tournament will begin. Does your team have what it takes? Do your best, and win some awesome prizes along the way!

- Base Mechanics -

On the pitch you will advance the ball up the field by deciding which player to pass to. In doing so, you will also get closer to the opposition's goal.

However, each pass is important, as it requires different amounts of stamina, and will offer you with a different selection of rewards. Click on the question mark above every player to see the potential reward from passing the ball to them, and make sure to choose wisely!

With stamina, players will lose this with every pa... Read more
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
A small change has been made to the rewards from Flying Island shards.
The reward of 1 unit has been removed from the common reward prizepool.  

18 Apr

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • After completing a manual battle in the Guild Battle Grounds the game did not center on the previous sector. This now should be fixed.
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.
Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  

15 Apr

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates today
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where the tutorial didn't start correctly

14 Apr

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Kings and Queens,

On the 17th of April 2021, we will celebrate our ninth birthday, and we cannot believe that we are already one year shy of a decade!

While the time has gone faster than we realized, and Forge itself has gone through many changes, one thing has remained a constant throughout – you the players!

Without your care and allegiance to our game over these nine years of developing it - none of this would be possible. We can say with absolute sincerity that we truly have the best players and community members around!

Indeed, not only that, but we have the best supporters and moderators, who everyday shape our community into the special place it is!

As a celebration for Forge’s ninth birthday, and recognition for all the people that make it happen, we will provide boost... Read more
Following today's update, we have added the Event Hub. We would be interested in your feedback below.

Please be advised full details of the new feature are here.  

Dear Kings and Queens,

Ever wanted one place to keep track of all your progress in different Events in Forge? As well as win additional prizes for completing quests within the Event? Well you are in luck! Starting today, we will be introducing the Event Hub on Beta!

The Event Hub is a brand-new off-grid building that will be accessible on your map at all times without taking up any space within your City (like the Antiques dealer or the Cultural Settlement's Harbor).

The Event Hub is a off grid building which is divided into different slots - each one dedicated to a different event. By ... Read more