Forge of Empires

Forge of Empires Dev Tracker

01 Mar

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates today

28 Feb

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.
Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  

25 Feb

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where the Old Galata Tower was missing in the Message Center anymore
  • Fixed an issue where the Blueprint Found Window was shown twice when you won a Blueprint from a generic quest with a random reward
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Queens and Kings,

For the detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:

  • We fixed an issue where the campaign map button wouldn't always take you to the finished exploration site.
  • Upon upgrading your Terrace Farm, the new population was being calculated with some delay. This issue has been fixed now.
  • New rewards have been added to the Antiques Dealer, including:
    • In the shop: September Cottage and Abandoned Asylum's selection kits
    • In the auction: Olympic Treasury and Celtic Forest's selection kits
  • As announced separately, the Galata Tower will be migrated to a new version. You can find more details ...
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    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates today

23 Feb

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where upgrading a Terrace Farm did not immediatley add the gained extra population
Please leave any feedback for the Galata Tower Changes here.
You can find all the details here
Please report any bugs in our bug section here.  

Dear Kings & Queens,

Last year we brought the Galata Tower to Forge of Empires, a new Great Building that makes it easier to protect yourself against external threats that often plunder your cities. This Great building has a passive boost that provides you with a certain chance to repel a plundering attempt.

The Galata Tower will be maintained in the game, but a few changes will be made. Previously, it was possible to obtain all blueprints for the Galata Tower through a specific questline, and to place this building it wouldn’t be necessary to spend any of your city goods. First, this questline is going to be removed from the game. For those who still have this questline in progress, it will be possible to complete it. However, for those who do not have it, this questline will simply not appear anymore.
... Read more

22 Feb

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where the Campaign Map doesn't open on finished exploration site in SAM
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where the Hall of Fame did not produce Guild Power
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.
Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  

19 Feb

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates today

18 Feb

    Paris on Forums - Thread - Direct
The fix has been deployed. You should now be able to log in via the browser.  
    Paris on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Daego, this has been reported to the developers. They are working on a fix currently.  
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates today

17 Feb

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where Admin Messages in the Message Center were not hidden to non guild members

16 Feb

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates today

15 Feb

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates today
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.
Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  

12 Feb

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where the SAAB campaign map became inaccessible after starting an Asteroid Ice production