Forge of Empires

Forge of Empires Dev Tracker

09 Mar

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where the quest Belt Mining H.Q. had a wrong icon
  • Fixed the spawnrate of shards of the Flying Island Great Building
  • The zoom function when using production building arrow functionality has been removed
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
The following rewards can be gained from shards from the Flying Great Building:

Common Incident.png

  • 20 Forgepoints
  • 25 random goods of your era
  • 1 light unit
  • 5 light units
  • 1 ranged unit
  • 5 ranged units
  • 1 heavy unit
  • 5 heavy units
  • 1 artillery unit
  • 5 artillery units
  • 1 fast units
  • 5 fast units
  • 2 blueprints
  • coins
  • supplies

Uncommon incident.jpg...
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Please leave any feedback for the 2021 Archaeology here.
You can find all the details here
Please report any bugs in our bug section here.  

Dear Kings and Queens,

It is time to gather your shovel, brushes, and dynamite and dust off those boots—as your airship awaits! Channel your inner explorer as there are buried tombs to excavate, ancient wonders to see, mysteries to solve, and potentially a whole host of buried treasure to uncover! All of it awaits in our Archaeology Event!

The Archaeology event will return to Beta on March 9th and will run until March 30th!

The Basics

Once the event begins, there will be an event dialogue in the top left corner allowing you to access the event.

Within the event window, you will see you have access to your tools on the left and the tomb map on the right. You will advance from l... Read more

08 Mar

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Master Bate said: Anyway. Thanks for removing that annoying "feature"!
The delay was fixed with today's Beta update  
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where using the read all function in the Message Center would show the wrong messages
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Space Age Venus has succesfully been activated.
We wish you all a lot of luck with our latest Era :)  
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where aborting a quest would cause a small delay
  • Fixed an issue where you cannot continue the battle tutorial if you refresh the game after placing the two spearfighters in your attacking army
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.
Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  

05 Mar

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
The new age is here and we would love to hear your opinion on it!
On Monday 8th March the new era Space Age Venus will be introduced on the Beta market.
You can read all about it here.  
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Kings and Queens,

We are proud to present a brand-new Age — Space Age Venus (SAV).

The Space Age Venus starts on March 8th, 2021

After exploring the Asteroid Belt, mankind was able to obtain the resources necessary to survive and create more spaceships. However, we now have a problem with our food supplies. Due to increased demand from population growth, our food supplies are strained and new sources are required to maintain our outposts throughout the solar system.

Our renowned scientists were able to adjust the DNA of different plant species, in order to generate a new sustainable food source, and thereby produce even more than before. Nevertheless, these plants require way much more carbon dioxide and nitrogen to keep grow... Read more
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct

​ Dear Kings and Queens,

We would like to clarify a misconception that has arisen regarding the slowdown that occurs during reoccurring quests. Please be aware, that this is a technical issue and not something that was ever part of our design.

To provide some context, for transparency purposes, we have been collecting feedback on quest abort exploits, and trying to figure out a way to tackle this. This week, we moved forward with an update that sets a limit on Quest Aborts to prevent this exploit, and the impact it has on our servers.

Unfortunately, as a byproduct, there was a technical issue that caused a slowdown during reoccurring quests. Due to unexpected circumstances, this then led to many players believing this was an intended feature.

Again, we would like to express this was not intended. The aim o... Read more

04 Mar

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where the hotkeys didn't function properly
  • Fixed an issue where the Galata Tower entry in the Town Hall didn't function properly
  • Fixed an issue where the players' defensive era in the PVP Arena didn't update at the start of the new season if the player advanced an era during the past season
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
On the 25th of March we will be removing the Guild Forum on the Beta market.
You can read all about it here.  
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear Kings and Queens,

In October last year, following improvements to the Message Center, we decided it was time to remove the Guild Forum. However, based on your feedback, we decided to take a step back and postpone. We did this in recognition of the reaction, as well as acknowledgement that further improvements to the Message Center were required in order for us to contemplate the removal once again.

Following our recent additions to the Message Center, it is now at the sufficient stage that we are comfortable removing the Guild Forum. While, we believe it is now time to remove the Guild Forums, we wanted still to provide you sufficient notice of this change. Therefore, please be advised, that Guild Forums will be removed from Beta on the 25th of March 2021, and live markets on the 22nd of April 2021.

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    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
We have increased the rewards you can get from the PVP Arena.
You can read all about it here.  
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
We have made some changes to the rewards of the PVP Arena today:
  • We have increased the amount of medals you can get as a reward from the PVP Arena
  • We have increased the chance of getting a random reward from the PVP Arena
  • We have changed the chances of the different rewards as a random reward
  • We have increased the seasonal ranking reward
    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates today

02 Mar

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates today

01 Mar

    lordwasa on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed an issue where the quest Belt Influence didn't complete after finishing the quest if you don't have enough sectors left
  • Fixed an issue where push notifications for Guild Admin Messages couldn't be disabled