Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

12 Aug


Originally posted by DDSNIPERDD

Same thing happens to an ammo box on some shelves at loot lake, there's a little wooden crate beneath it that destroys it if it gets destroyed

Which building?


Originally posted by Pliskin14

There's also another one in Lazy on a bed. If you destroy the wall near the bed, RIP the chest.

If you can let me know where that one is, I'll take a look.


Originally posted by NOLAgold13

Yep, can’t break the bed or you break the chest.

Where is that one located?

11 Aug


This is nightmare fuel and I've reported it as such. I'd say thanks for the report, but now I worry I won't sleep for a week.


Hey there! This is a known issue we're aware of that affects PS4 and we are working towards a fix.


Thanks for the post! This issue occurs when the players account ID is shown instead of their username.

I've sent this off to our QA team for investigation.


Thanks for the report! I've sent this over to our art team to take a look at.


Thanks for the post! We released a hotfix we believe to have resolved this issue but will continue to keep an eye out for reports.


Thanks for the report! I sent this off to our QA team to scope out.


Thanks for the post! I've sent this off to our QA team to look into.


Thanks for the report! We released a server fix for this issue a few days ago and it should no longer be occurring.


Thanks for the post! I've sent this off to our team to look into.


Thanks for bringing this up, I've sent it over to our QA team to check into.


Thanks for letting us know, I'll send it off to our team to look into.


Thanks for the video! We're aware the item shop is jamming out like that for some players and will be fixed in the v10.10 update.


Thanks for the video and bringing this to our attention. I've sent this off to our QA team to look into.


Just wanted to drop in and confirm this issues is resolved in the v10.10 update.


Thanks for letting us know! I've sent this off to our team.


Thanks for the post! I've sent this off to our QA team to look into.

10 Aug


Just wanted to drop in and confirm that this issue is fixed in the v10.10 update.