Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

02 Aug


I say that players who are crashing out of the bus are experiencing a crash that can be caused by many reasons. Most players who are on ios 13 wont make it off the bus, typically they can get 1 game in. Some players after a few games get a OOM crash and causes it to restart.

There are plenty of reasons for this to happen and it is just a specific type of crash we are aware of and also looking to lower the number of. We receive crash reports from players so we are aware.


Originally posted by TaeYT

So what’s is the reason for taking away 60 FPS and capping our graphics at low like what that’s not fair especially if I use to be able to change my graphics and frame rate like really now it’s stuck at what you guys want that’s not fair to the community at all than you guys didn’t fix none of the bugs in mobile but pc and Xbox have glitches and y’all fix that within hours we get updates weeks later like that’s pathetic just yesterday my device was running 60fps normally and smoothly so why remove it my device never crashed on 60 FPS but here goes epic removing stuff instead of fixing the game and problems at hand

PC gets faster updates due to not requiring to go through certification process. This is because we publish our own game. So yes PC can theoretically get a fix faster then other platforms. But all platforms have a certification process, some are faster than others.

In regards to 60fps and graphics, as i have explained in several threads and we have a trello card up for, mobile can run into OOM( out of memory crashes) this is due to a variety or reasons. In order to help stability we had to lower the settings. Just because your particular device wasnt having an issue doesn't mean others are not having a poor experience.

Yes we know players are still crashing, it is the new season and as with most patches, especially this large. We are working through the current issues for all platforms, including mobile, to get updates out as needed.

01 Aug


Congrats on being a new dad! When it comes to playing with 2, 3,4, or even 6 fingers as some players do all have advantages and disadvantages. It really comes down to what device you play on and how much space you have to use. Most players who use 3 or more typically play on a tablet, yes some do play on phone.

Really it comes down to your HUD and how you move things around. Just as any good PC gamer knows, keybinds and muscle memory for those binds are important. Setting your HUD up is the same way, once you have a nice 2 finger or even 3 if you want HUD you should be fine and able to play. Now you may get into a fight with a player who is using 4 or 6 fingers and notice building is crazy but that all comes with time.


Originally posted by fixerdj

The quick bar now overlaps any button on top of it I have my combat button on it and now I can’t press it

I need a video example, I just moved my quickbar over some items and had no issues selecting anything.


Originally posted by Karam2468

Am currently making a megathread of pretty much every suggestion ever uttered (mobile specific) that goes into detail about it and has video representations and links to others explaining it in detail too. I have, proper suggestions, not just add 60fps because I know you guys are trying your hardest to bring the best performance you can. Hopefult it will help the dev team a lot.

Feedback and suggestions are always welcome. I always pass the info over to the team to look at and see what can/cant be done and what takes priority in getting adjusted.


Originally posted by Karam2468


Even if its a setting that is a choice, it still requires a good amount of work. This is something that is currently not a high priority to work on. We have other features we are working on that we feel will have more of an impact on our players.


Originally posted by SRKFRIES

Use sneddy 60 FPS mod

Please dont use mods, no one wants to ban players but if found out using such a mod you will get banned.


Originally posted by iOnlyReadPussy

Consider making aim acceleration an option too please! :)

Aim acceleration is a setting that players think they want to turn off. I have spoken with the dev team about this and the reality is that this feature as is close to a must have in the game as any. This is due to the way aiming works.

The biggest issue with turning aim acceleration off is that fine tune aiming would suffer based on how aiming is currently configured. So while it may seem to a benefit because PC players can turn off this via a windows setting, they also have much more control with DPI changes. Players who turn it off on mobile would suffer in more situations then they would benefit from. We have to think about the entire mobile player base and not just those who are on reddit when it comes to making a change such as this.


Originally posted by Miniminimimimi

It's a department!

No, he does some other things here and there ;)


All things potentially being worked on!


We are aware of this pink artifacting issue. We have a trello card up and this is being looked at as it affects all devices.


Originally posted by kumblast3r

Game crashes legit every time dropping in, on iPhone 8 at new low settings. Great.

The team is looking at all crashes for all platforms at this time. If a new patch is required we will get this out to everyone as soon as we can.


Originally posted by JordanRBX

•Graphics capped at low when my device (IPhone 8) can go to high •Started happening today •picture of settings

This was intended for the patch. We included a line about it in the patch notes. iPhone 8s were having a difficult time with stability, specifically OOM ( out of memory) crashes. Just like with the iPhone 7s graphic settings change we had to bring the 8 down for stability reasons.

If we can bring them back to med we will definitely do so.


Updated 8/4/2019: We’ve released a non-forced PC/Mac client update to resolve the recent hitching/stuttering issues.

Please be sure to manually update if you have not already and are still experiencing these issues on PC/Mac.

We're aware of some players experiencing an increased level of hitching/stuttering while in-game. We are investigating this and will provide status updates once we have more information.

External link →

Originally posted by zapiltar

And dailies are gone requiring breakpoint owners to buy the battlepass to get our vbucks

Limited Time Missions are the replacement for Dailies and they'll release at 9 AM ET, they will count for all past Challenges requiring dailies and will not require the Battle Pass.


We're going to be updating the Patch Notes but this was a change made in order to reduce Out of Memory related crashes.


Season X is here and Dusty Depot has returned.

Explore new locations, jump into the new mech vehicle B.R.U.T.E. and check out all the rewards in the Season X Battle Pass!

External link →

Time is getting twisted. Downtime for Season X has begun! Jump into the patch notes to see what’s new:

External link →

Time is getting twisted. Downtime for Season X has begun! Jump into the patch notes to see what’s new:

External link →

Originally posted by xQc1788

Wait so basically if we don’t get the vbucks this season we aren’t ever going to get the vbucks??

All make goods at this time are complete.