Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

01 Aug


Sorry for not clarifying that in the post. What that line was intended to say, was, you couldn't play normally, meaning you had to actually go through the workaround. Not all players use reddit or Twitter as much as that sounds surprising. So for most players who didn't get the work around information that we tried to share, wouldn't have been able to play.

No one is aiming to lie to the community. This is why when i see this post at 10pm i make a comment to clarify what was intended behind me saying those words. I understand my words carry a lot of weight, meaning, i have to get better at chosing my words and explaining things better. Ill do better in the future, sorry for any confusion that may have caused you.

31 Jul


Originally posted by Extrxdinary

Will certain devices set to “Low” graphics bug be fixed also when iOS 13 officially become public? Or do you not have an answer yet?

Devices set to low are due to performance reasons. If in ios 13 we can push for higher level of graphics while maintaining stability we will do so.


Originally posted by realitybend8

So you’re telling me that only some people got 1,000 v-bucks while the rest of us players got 30 battle stars at the very end of the season which are pretty much useless? Seems fair....

If you have questions see the blog, we explained what happened and what we we did.


Originally posted by XPL0S1V3

So, if I dont log on today, will I still be able to claim it tomorrow?

It has already been applied to your account for season 9.

Experiencing an issue on Switch or Mobile? Help us resolve it by providing the information requested below in the comments. This thread will be updated with any additional threads and important links through this current patch.

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When reporting issues please include:

  • Description of the issue
  • Account Name (optional)
  • Device
  • Link to video or images
  • Include details on when this issue started happening
  • Any additional details, such as how to reproduce it.

Also, remember to report any issues in-game using the Feedback button.

How to use the in-game Feedback report system:

  • While in-game, open the Options menu
  • Navigate to the Feedback Button
  • Create a Bug report to provide us with logs of the issue

As always for the current known issues make sure to check out our ...

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Originally posted by TaeYT

What about the iOS 13 and the pink glitches you guys can give out tiers but not correct updates to fix the game where everyone can play with crashing creative works but solo games don’t you guys need to work on these things at hand instead of waiting

We put out a statement regarding iOS 13 and informed players to not use it due to instability reason. We will not be updating Fortnite for iOS 13 until it comes out publicly. The pink graphic issue the team is very aware of and working on fixing.


We have no plans to add 60FPS to the Switch version of the game, not sure where you heard this rumor from. We also have no plans to change how matchmaking works at this time.


Originally posted by akpatel_07

90% of the people are already tier 100, so what was the point of this?

The Reddit community does not encompass the entire mobile player base. Players who are here on reddit are typically extremely active and may have a higher tier then the average player. There are plenty of players who have not yet completed tier 100 of the Battle Pass.


Patch sizes for the Season X launch will be larger than normal on all platforms. Drop into the action once the download completes! 


You will not get battle stars to start next season. You may see the message show up due to you not logging in today, but you will not gain any battle stars to start the new season.


No, any gifts provided by Epic apply to Season 9 only.


The time grows near.

Downtime for our next season begins tomorrow, August 1 at 4 AM ET (0800 UTC).

External link →

Originally posted by johng126

This is a joke. Let's make good to some of the people who had the issue. Battle stars should be a "make good" for early in the season not when there is 1 day left. It would have felt better if you didn't do anything at all.

Battle stars have been a standard reward for login issues in the past. The amount that is awarded is based on how long the issue lasted and how much XP would have been missed due to being unable to login and play.


Originally posted by tonyhawkjrjacob

You sir are absolutely correct! Thank you so much for the help! I cant believe I did not think about looking at the skin itself before reaching out for help lel (⟃ ͜ʖ ⟄)

Yeah it's fixed in 10.0, we had it fixed earlier but didn't want to release a client for a relatively minor thing like this and risk messing up the build for the world cup.


Originally posted by dams96

I agree with you, but you should give the 30 battle stars in the next season for all those who are already tier 100, that ain’t complicated.

We didn't want to give players a head start in the new season due to an error that occurred in season 9.


Originally posted by dams96

Can we at least get the 30 battle stars in season 10 lmao ? You guys know that most of us are tier 100 already so stop acting like fools... The disrespect in the mobile community is astounding rofl. For all the players that are already tier 100 at least give them the option to use the battle stars for the next season, you guys are a joke...

Not all players are level 100 at this time. The players who are on reddit do not represent the entire mobile community, i hope you understand that.


Originally posted by yara_ok

Yea my friend could play without problems in version 9.40.1 and I COULDNT LOGIN SO I REINSTALLED THE GAME. NOW HE GOT THE VBUCKS AND I GOT USELESS 30 battle stars.

v9.40.1 Had a patching error, no player could have played on that version due to the error. The only versions that were playable at the time were v9.40 and the next day when v9.40.2 came out.

Players who had login issues and due to general issues with mobile during the v9.40 time were awarded battle stars.


We announced in our blog exactly what the make good was going to be for and told everyone to expect battle stars for the next make good.

EDIT* Removed line: If you have questions about the make good, please see the blog post and our trello board.


Its understandable that you would want an update on this. But at this time we still do not have a time table of when these would be enabled again. The team is aware and as previously mentioned concerns around performance still exist.