Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

12 Feb


Originally posted by tomatosauce1

what about when you have a good land off the battle bus then get caught by a zipline...

There's currently no intention to make it an option, I think you'll find it easy to use though.

11 Feb


Originally posted by nervous_toast

I was saying like press to active rather than hold to activate (like a chest)

Yep, it's single click


Get in those final Blitz and Trio games! Solid Gold Duos will be replacing these modes shortly.

Drop in and find yourself a shiny✨

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Originally posted by theminer325

Is the reload time for epic or legendary RPGs? Or both?

Both. Also worth mentioning we're making a change to move Rocket Launchers out of chests - though they'll still be in Supply Drops (and a a little more available there than they are now) and Vending Machines.


Hey Fortnite community!

Wanted to give a sneak peek at some of the changes coming in this week’s v7.40 update.

  • Planes will no longer be able to smash through structures
  • Zipline interact prompt added, and using a Zipline will grant fall damage immunity
  • Hand Cannon structure damage reduced from 150 to 100
  • Turbo Build delay decreased from 0.15s to 0.05s
  • Rocket Launcher reload time increased from 2.52s to 3.24s
  • Added the ability to crouch while in Edit Mode

Stay tuned for the full patch notes when the update releases.

Don’t forget to also check out the Share the Love Event...

Read more External link →

We hear you! This change was unintentional and is resolved in the next patch.

10 Feb


Originally posted by DoorMattarino

Can I ask how popular One Shot was? I know it managed to stay up for a whole week or more, and I loved it so much I’m really excited to play it again.

One Shot will likely remain a part of our regular rotation.


Originally posted by CosmicRhinoceros-PS4

That's disappointing to hear, I wondered if those of us that love it so much are only a smaller subset. I remember it only being around for I think 1 day last time and thought that might be the case. If I had to guess, there are two main reasons why more of the general population don't play Blitz:

  1. The quickly moving zones mean people that aren't smart with rotations die to storm more often, and that isn't fun. Maybe reworking blitz to have slower storms and even more mobility would help.

  2. The sweatiest of us play ONLY blitz when it's around. It's just so much more fun. But this means it isn't fun for casuals when all they encounter are sweaties.

Look, according to my end of season recaps I've been farming around 2 million materials per season since season 3, and I am so, so burnt out on farming. Yet my building skill has grown so much since then, I can do so much more than before yet the farm rate is the same and the hours I spent...

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Thanks for the thoughtful comments.


Originally posted by oomnahs

That's surprising. Would you be able to tell us what LTMs have been the most popular?

I can indirectly answer by saying we typically run the most popular modes the most often & new ones when they are ready.


Originally posted by CosmicRhinoceros-PS4

Is there a reason it was gone for so long? I was pretty surprised it wasn't in the 10 days of LTM Xmas rotation, considering every time blitz is available we get highly upvoted posts about how blitz settings are what the main game mode should be.

It is indeed a fan favorite here on reddit, but it actually isn’t very heavily played so we aren’t able to run it very often. Last time we ran it we had to shut it off early since the low play rate was creating matchmaking problems.

09 Feb


Originally posted by oomnahs

Hey! I wanted to ask if you know if Trios stats are going to count, sorry to bug you

No I think they literally don't exist - next week with 7.40 Trios stats will be added to Squads stats. If the mode is popular and we make it a default, then we will build out a dedicated stats tab for it.


Glad you’re enjoying it. It’s felt like we had to strip out most of the mobility options to get back to the core Blitz that people liked a year ago. Let us know if you have any more feedback around this version of the mode!

08 Feb


Originally posted by Everson24

My battle bus banner is missing from my locker and I have contacted player support and it takes them for ever to respond

Sorry I don't have a way to check on that for you, but I do know that our support team is growing a lot and quickly cutting down on how many open requests they have. You should hear from them soon!


We are currently rotating modes on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday mornings (9am EST).

07 Feb


Originally posted by saspa_

Is the tournament solo, duos or squads?

It's Solo and Duos.


We're testing out much of what was discussed in the competitive blog series part two, specifically this section:

We just recently introduced parts of our new tournament backend system that will enable new features in the near future such as in-game leaderboards, tournaments that take place across multiple knockout rounds, and more varied events to keep the play experience fresh and fun.

As part of our system upgrades, earning a pin or achieving a high placement during a qualification round can now advance you further in that tournament - or even unlock a new, private tournament which is only available to players who successfully managed to earn a pin. We'll be experimenting with a variety of approaches and tournament structures utilizing these tools over the coming months to see which types of events provide the most fun and exciting experiences for players of all skill levels.

Let us know what you think!


Hi :)

We love you, peep our event dropping next week <3

Edit: I am bad at links, and yes parts do begin this week! You can pick up your free wrap by entering a code or supporting a creator starting 2/8!

External link →

Originally posted by Everson24

Hey is there anyway I can ask you with help with a account problem because your support is so slowwww

What sort of problem are you having?


Agreed, I'll loosen up the storm restrictions for next week's build.