Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

22 Feb


Battle Pass owners, find and complete all the hidden Prisoner Challenges before the end of Season 7 to unlock the styles. ⏲️🗝️

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    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Boost to Victory! The Driftin' LTM is back, and just in time for a new Overtime Challenge!


  • Reduced size of the first circle, increasing Supply Drop density

  • Added 10 more Supply Drops to the first circle

  • Storms move more slowly mid/late-game

  • Added a 10 second wait time between each mid/late-game Storm

  • Chests have been turned on

  • Spawn rate of Rift-2-Go in Chests has been increased

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21 Feb


Originally posted by HalfPhone

Is there any better eta than op on driftin coming back? I absolutely loved that game and the normal game feels dull.

Barebones is another game I liked but never saw again.

It feels like only the game modes that change available weapons, which is one of the most boring decisions and changes.. Those are the only ones being considered for deployment.

Driftin' will be back with some changes tomorrow morning.


Hey everyone,

Have questions? We have answers! Join us for a Fortnite Battle Royale AMA on this subreddit on Friday, February 22 from 1-2 PM ET (6-7 PM UTC).


Who will be there?

  • EpicEricSW - Design
  • DanDaDaDanDan - Engineering
  • RZElive - Production


In the meantime, toss us questions in the comments so we can have some answers ready to kick off the AMA when it begins tomorrow. See you there!

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Originally posted by bianceziwo

Do 50v50 with limited respawns please! Also do 33v33v33! It was awesome!!

We don’t currently have a limited respawn system that would work with 50s, but maybe someday.


Originally posted by JPointer

Can we finally have a legit sniper only game mode too?

No random, revolver, crossbow, scoped AR ect...

And take out hunting rifles, I know weird right, requesting only snipers in a sniper only mode.

Bolts, silence, heavy, even a semi-auto isn't that bad. Just please no hunting rifles... They've had their game modes to be the best weapon

Hmm, the downside of removing hunting rifles from snipers is they are probably the best close range weapon to use in all those times that you end up face to face w someone and have to do the jump-off. But yeah we could probably try it once and see how it plays. We don’t mind mixing up the modes a little when we run them again (thus the scoped AR experiment, etc.).


Originally posted by garnaches

Was this changed for this time they put it up? The last run of rumble I got the 50 shields on every kill

It was broken for a bit, but should be working now


Originally posted by Yumakaze

Any chance you guys will ever add Rumble as a permanent mode? It really does cater to those of us that love the respawn modes that are more like Deatchmatch than normal BR.

It’s unlikely that any given mode will be run permanently, but respawning modes are very popular, so it’s likely that we will often have one in the rotation. Team Rumble will get lots of rotation time for sure.

20 Feb


This was just a side effect of how the mode was hotfixed on today - should be all fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out!


Originally posted by GODzDoctor

This is awesome, but having rumble again for the next double xp would be lit

Rumble is being turned on in a few minutes (see OP)


Originally posted by RudditMedsareConts

Was really enjoying the fast pace of this mode, also 50 v 50 would be great to get back at some point soon, a lot of people miss it.

We are going to run 50's again pretty soon.


We’ve noticed feedback around the Driftin’ LTM and agree it could use work. At 3 PM ET, this mode will be disabled while we make changes. It’ll return in the next few days.

In the meantime, drop into Team Rumble, now with more Driftboard!

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Originally posted by YonahN

Any chance that tech reason has to do with an earthquake removing it in the coming days...?

Hah no, but good guess :)


The biggest problem I've seen when playing the mode is many people are still jumping from the bus as soon as they can. I'd suggest waiting to jump until there are about 10s of the bus phase remaining. That way you'll be about half way to the ground when the supply drops come in, and you'll then be able to figure out which one(s) to get. We actually spawn around twice as many drops as there are players in the mode, so there should be plenty to go around.


Hey Everyone,

We're aware that players may be unable to make purchases on Xbox. We're currently investigating this issue and we'll provide more updates as they become available.

UPDATE 9:30 PM ET: Purchasing on Xbox as returned to a healthy state!

Thank you!

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19 Feb


We’re investigating an issue affecting server stability in Battle Royale.

We’ll post an update once we’ve resolved these issues:

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Yeah there was a rouge vending machine on the North side of the map near the river. We have deployed a hotfix to make it only drop grenades now.


Fixed as of a few minutes ago, thanks for pointing it out.


Thanks for pointing this out - due to tech reasons I won't bore you with, this machine in particular was not able to be disabled for this mode. We have hotfixed it to only supply grenades, should be live by the time you read this.


Hey Everyone,

We're aware that players may be unable to send or receive friend requests. We're currently working on a fix

Update: This issue has been resolved!

Thank you for your patience!

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