Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

07 Sep

    Flak on News - Thread - Direct

Flak: Hi Stephen! How long have you been playing Fortnite?

Stephen: I've been playing since the Founder’s release.

F: What made you decide to start playing?

S: I loved the idea of the game. A zombie game with a large loot system and the freedom to create your own structures is amazing.

F: What made you decide to start a Fortnite Facebook Group?

S: I admin other gaming communities and noticed at the time there wasn't a multi platform one for Fortnite after finding multiple posts hyping the game. So, I decided to start one for those people inquiring about the game.

F: Could you tell us a little about the group?

S: We are a group where people on all platforms can get together and discuss Fortnite related content, trade materials, exchange strategies, and find other members to play with.


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29 Aug

A big storm is about to roll through the world of Fortnite. Your mission … survive. The Survive The Storm update is coming on Tuesday, Aug. 29 and it includes the new Survive The Storm mode, special mutant Storms that pose unique challenges and rewards, new weapons, new heroes, new defenders and more! The threat is only here for a limited time, so be sure to try out Survive The Storm and grab some exclusive loot. It’s time to save your bacon!

Survive The Storm Mode
This limited-time mode will test even the most prepared Commander. Gather resources during the day while battling increasingly more difficult threats every night.

Mutant Storms
These limited-time Storms have modifiers like enraged husks or limited health. Survive these Storms and you can earn some special loot.

Hydraulic Weapon Set
Introducing the hydraulic weapon set. Scavenged from the industrial yards of Plankerto...

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Are you going to PAX West? Then come visit us at the Fortnite Booth #6508 (on the 6th floor) where members of the development and community team will be on-hand to chat with players. Throughout the day, we will randomly choose players to come and take a swing in our Llama Smashing booth! Winners could walk away with some Fortnite swag and other cool prizes. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone!

If you’re around in the early evening on Saturday, Sept. 2, we’ll be hosting a first-come-first-served Epic Games Community Meetup at Gameworks Seattle.

Come and join us for a fun filled evening on Sept. 2 between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. People will be permitted to start lining up at 5:30 p.m. at the venue on 1511 7th Ave. Each guest will be provided with a game card to play in the arcade, and for those 21 and over, we’ll have drink tickets. The games and adult beverages are on us and food will be available for purchase from the Gameworks restaurant and bar. The Loft, a k a o... Read more

28 Aug

Experiencing issues updating, logging in or crashing in Fortnite? Reach out to player support here.

We’re introducing Survive the Storm, a new survival focused mode that pits your heroes against the storm for up to 14 consecutive nights. Assemble your crew, stock up on bullets, and prepare for the ultimate test of skill, strategy, and staying alive.

Along with Survive the Storm, we’re introducing a Mutant Storms. These special storms grant unique modifiers to enemies and heroes, and give useful rewards. If you’re looking for Pure Drops of Rain and other rare evolution materials, check out Mutant Storms.  

But wait, there’s more!

This update includes new weapons, heroes, defenders, and a new enemy! Review the notes below for ...

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25 Aug

Experiencing issues updating, logging in or crashing in Fortnite? Reach out to player support here!

EA1.4.9 Release Notes

  • Fixed a client crash caused by in-game effects

  • Fixed a client crash caused by player’s profiles

Xbox One

  • Fixed an issue causing Home Sharing players to receive a "Purchase Check Failure" error when attempting to log in

    • This occurs while Microsoft services are experiencing limited availability

23 Aug


Experiencing issues updating, logging in or crashing in Fortnite? Reach out to player support here!


Bug Fixing

  • Fixed an end of match score bug that led to display of 0 XP gained. We’ve seen another issue causing 0 XP and are still investigating.
  • Fixed an issue where Xbox players were not shown a notice in the in-game client stating a new game patch was available
  • Fixed an AI-related server crash
  • Fixed an audio-related client crash
  • Corrected an issue caused by placing multiple defenders in a mission
  • Smoothed out hitching caused by placing a Level 30 BASE in a zone
  • Reduced the likelihood that players will experienc...
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19 Aug

    Flak on News - Thread - Direct

This week we, chat with Fumiko, a Fortnite Veteran who has been slaying Husks since OT5. We asked Fortnite Executive Producer, Zak Phelps why he thought Fumiko would be a good choice for Player of the Week. He said, “Fumiko brings analytical depth and thoughtfulness to player experience and engagement. She also applies her analytical knowledge to player groups and gives feedback on improving group interaction. As a casual then dedicated player, Fumiko has given invaluable feedback on improving game mechanics across all types of players.”

Fortnite%2Fblog%2Fplayer-of-the-week---fumiko%2Ffumiko-398x398-34dc934546f9a980c77e8e307737e6ade29b4a6eFlak: Hi Danielle, what made you decide to start playing Fortnite?
Fumiko: My friend game me a key to th...

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17 Aug

Experiencing issues updating, logging in or crashing in Fortnite? Reach out to player support here!



Bug Fixing

  • Improved memory usage in the skilltree
    • Aimed at reducing OOM issues
  • Fixed a server crash
  • Fixed a client crash caused by the particle system
    • Fight or Flight Perk
    • Initially intended to increase the “War Cry” ability damage buff by 15%, but it was instead increasing damage buff by 65%
      • The issue causing this has been corrected, and the Fight or Flight perk has been rebalanced to 10%


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16 Aug

Hello Everyone!

Today we are releasing EA Patch 1.4.6 which will reduce crashes and improve stability across all platforms. We will be releasing this patch today, August 16, 2017 at approximately 3:00 PM. This time is tentative and could change. A restart of your game will be necessary to receive the update. Thank you for your continued patience and support during our Early Access period!

  • Made improvements to memory usage on Xbox One
    • This should prevent out-of-memory crashes
  • Corrected a PS4 crash caused by in game audio
  • Fixed an exploit preventing item durability loss
  • Fixed a bug which caused caches to become visible on the minimap during “Repair the Shelter”
  • Corrected an Xbox One network crash
  • Corrected an AI pathfinding server crash
  • Corrected a particle system crash
  • The Teleporter can no longer be selected via the mouse scroll wheel

14 Aug

Hello Everyone!

Today we are releasing an update for PC and PS4 aimed at correcting various crash fixes and improving overall game stability across all platforms. This update is scheduled for August 14 at 5:00 PM EDT. Players will need to restart Fortnite to install the patch and play. No downtime is expected. The Xbox One update will follow soon.

EA1.4.5 Release Notes

  • Corrected a few server-side crashes
  • Corrected a crash that occurred while inspecting Heroes or Defenders
  • Corrected a PS4 rendering crash
  • Corrected a few PS4 Pro out-of-memory crashes
  • Corrected an infrequent Xbox One and PC audio crash
  • Players will now see the correct score at the end of a mission
  • Patched up a number of UI-related memory leaks
  • Made a few changes to the way textures stream to Xbox One. This should reduce out of memory errors
    • This may cause textures to occasionally become blurry
    • We wil...
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12 Aug

Hello fellow fort fanatics,

Today we are deploying an additional small update aimed at fixing various crash fixes for PS4, PC, and Mac. Players will need to restart Fortnite in order to install the patch and play. No downtime is expected. More Xbox fixes are being worked on.

EA 1.4.4 Release Notes

  • Fixed PC only client crash
  • Fixed PS4 crash associated with audio
  • Fixed a few ‘out of memory’ crashes
  • Re-enabled visuals for other player's abilities when loading into a match
    • This was disabled to avoid a rare crash

11 Aug

Hello Fortnite Friends!

Today we are deploying a small update aimed at fixing various crash fixes and improving game stability across all platforms. Players will need to restart Fortnite in order to install the patch and play. We anticipate no downtime.This patch will include fixes from patch 1.4.2 for console

EA1.4.3 Release Notes

  • Added the option to toggle Hero accessories on Xbox One and PS4
  • Corrected several crashes across all platforms
  • Disabled end-of-mission videos at the end of each mission on PS4 and Xbox One
    • We believe this will reduce crashing on consoles
    • We will re-enable end-of-mission videos once the issues are corrected

When playing Fortnite Battle Royale we ask you to agree to the following code of conduct:

(TLDR: Respect other players and play fair, simple right?)

  1. Respect other players. Be graceful in victory and defeat. Discriminatory language, hate speech, threats, spam, and other forms of harassment or illegal behavior will not be tolerated.
  2. Play fairly and within the rules of the game. Don’t cheat, AFK, grief, exploit bugs or glitches, team up in groups larger than the game mode allows (e.g. in solo matches do not work with other players, respectfully eliminate them instead) or impersonate others.
  3. Keep account information safe and private. Giving access to your account puts you at risk. Do not share your account information or the account information of others.
  4. Good luck and have fun!

If you see player...

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10 Aug

    Flak on News - Thread - Direct

The Fortnite Team is lucky to have so many players who eagerly share their time learning Fortnite and helping other players. MSGTFox is one of those players. "MSGTFox has been a staple in our community, almost since the beginning of Alpha. He has been incredibly helpful to new players in Global Chat and wrote a lot of great guides.", said Senior Community Manager Will Kinsler. "We're fortunate to have him be part of our community!"

These are some of the reasons Steve "MSGT" Fox is this week's player of the week. 

Fortnite%2Fblog%2Fplayer-of-the-week---msgt-fox%2FDSC_112_125x125_1501683869718-125x125-e3396a70d9ac3d8798554ab6ffde84af13b1d3d9Flak: We're guessing your real name isn't MSGTFox, correct?

MSGTFox: My real name is Steve


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Hello Storm Chasers!

We are deploying another small update which includes a number of quality of life fixes as well as improvements to overall game stability. Players will need to restart Fortnite in order to install the patch and play. There will be no downtime.

Once again, we will be updating each platform at different times. We will update PC on August 9 at 10:30 pm Eastern Time. We plan to update Xbox One and PS4 at a later time.

Here is the full list of updates:



Major Updates

  • Corrected a crash caused by particle effects on all platforms
  • Corrected a crash caused by slotting a survivor into a squad on PS4
  • Corrected a number of smaller issues causing crashes on PS4
  • Corrected an issue preventing PS4 players from joining a game session
  • Repair the Shelter caches fixed to provide the correct...
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09 Aug

Fortnite – Storm King Pin Promotion

Official Rules

The Fortnite – Storm King Pin Promotion (the "Promotion") is subject to these Official Rules, which are binding and final on matters relating to the Promotion, except as expressly stated otherwise.  No purchase necessary to enter or win. The Promotion is sponsored by Epic Games, Inc. (the “Sponsor”).

  1. How to Enter:

Entrants will need to defeat the Storm King in Fortnite Save the World before the end of the Promotion Period.

  1. Eligibility:  The Promotion is open worldwide to anyone aged 16 years or older (“Entrant”).

Employees of Epic Games...

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08 Aug

Hey Fortnite friends,

We’re deploying a small update this week, focused on fixing several bugs you’ve been reporting and increasing stability across all platforms. This update will require you to restart your game in order to play.

We will be updating each platform at different times. We will update PC first on August 8. Xbox One and PS4 will be updated as soon as possible.

See the full list of changes below.



Major Updates

  • Corrected a number of different crashes on PC, Xbox One and PS4
  • Corrected an issue causing input lag on PS4
  • Corrected an issue on Xbox One prompting players to purchase a Fortnite Founder’s pack when they already own one

Major Known Issues

  • This patch will help us diagnose the cause of future crashes   
    • We will continue to investigat...
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03 Aug

Hey Storm Chasers,

UPDATE: We messed up. Please read this post for clarity on changes to Plankerton, Canny, and Twine Storm Shield bases.

Thank you for joining u...

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    Flak on News - Thread - Direct

After playing Fortnite for quite a few years, Alpha Player of the Week, Tenma has quite a few tricks up his sleeve. Luckily for us, he's happy to share some of those tricks with us!

Fortnite%2Fblog%2Falpha-player-of-the-week---tenma%2Funnamed-250x250-73467c5f8e984baa7f19fbe38d29641ed3f94a8aEpic Games Senior Community Manager, Will Kinsler said, "Tenma knows Fortnite as well as anyone. During Alpha he created guides to help new players, answered countless questions in global chat. I learned a lot watching him play. We're lucky to have him in our community and I can't wait to see all of the great things he'll contribute now that we're entering Early Access!"
Flak: What should we call you?

Tenma: Tenma or David "Doc".

F: How long have you been playing Fortnite?


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25 Jul

- Fortnite is work in progress
- Together with all of you the game will evolve
- Change will take time and it will be longer than we would like
- We are 150% committed

Fortnite Commanders,

In the four days since Head Start Access began, your enthusiasm and passion for Fortnite has completely blown us away. We are humbled and amazed by all of your tweets, streams, videos, and your incredible support and patience as we’ve worked through technical issues to keep you in Fortnite fighting back the storm.

When we decided to open Fortnite to a larger community via Early Access, we hoped some of you would embrace the opportunity to jump in and help us put shape around our core systems and features. We hoped a handful of players would want to participate in our development adventure. You exceeded every estimate of just how many of you would show up!

This is a live service and we are here for the long haul.  We’ll keep iterati... Read more