Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

12 Oct


Hi Friends! It does indeed look like some wins slipped through our mass of data! My bad! We will get those fixed up when we backfill the missing data from yesterday! I don't have a timeline yet (we are fixing some unrelated issues on the stats system currently) but I will update this once I find out!


Originally posted by PlayPoker2013

My stats are wrong. I won a duo about 3-4 nights ago and it says I haven't won any. Hard to trust any of the other stats now.

Can you PM me your Ingame Name and the platform you play on?

Thanks for all your support, it’s been a crazy two weeks since we launched on September 26th :-)

We’ve picked up steam on the development side and have strike teams working on the below features and improvements:


  • Team communication incl. voice chat!
  • General squads / duo polish
  • Ongoing shooting and balance tweaks
  • Map POI (points of interest) and loot density improvements
  • Spectating improvements
  • Inventory improvements
  • Quality of life bug fixes


  • Alternate configurations
  • Controller revamp
  • Input latency improvements on console
  • Aim assist improvements


  • 10’ console experience of HUD
  • “Invite system” polish
  • MOTD system improvements
  • QOL features for streamers and content creators (hiding...
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Originally posted by Skigazzi

How are Duo / Squad top 3s / 6s handled? individual finish, or squad finish?

They are squad finish, based on the last member alive

11 Oct

The release of 1.7.1 improves overall game stability and adds quality-of-life improvements for both Save the World and Battle Royale players. In addition, we have re-enabled support for DirectX 10 hardware. This should also improve performance for low-spec PC players.

What are we doing about cheaters?

In this release, we’ve added a report button in-game which will allow players to swiftly report cheaters. What’s more, we released a blog last week detailing our current and future anti-cheat plans. Check it out here.

BattlEye has been added to our existing anti-...

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10 Oct


Originally posted by 25_MODULAR_TERMINALS

It only happens once per play session on my computer, don't know if that's useful info but If I keep playing without closing the game the following matches run smoothly.

Thanks for the info. Is this happening to everyone on PC? Any other platforms?


Originally posted by jizzpellets

I've had it happen both when I die, and when I got the killing blow on the last player alive. I don't think it affects the outcome, just stutters after the death is already registered. Still, annoying!

Yup, we agree this is annoying. The hitch does happen after death but it makes you feel like it was happening before. We are looking into it.

08 Oct


Hey everyone,

We will be pushing a rolling update tonight at 10:30 PM EST. The update will include some general stability fixes, however, no downtime is expected. Players will need to exit their client/game in order to update.

External link →

04 Oct

Let’s be straight for a second, nobody likes playing with cheaters. Not you, not me. Nobody. 

We play PvP games like Fortnite Battle Royale for their competitive integrity. That feeling of outshooting somebody in an intense standoff and snagging that Victory Royale! And then there are cheaters, the 360-spin instant headshot, we all know so well. 

But what is Epic doing about it? 

To start, addressing cheaters in Fortnite is the highest priority across Epic Games. We are constantly working against both the cheaters themselves and the cheat providers. And it’s ongoing, we’re exploring every measure to ensure these cheaters are removed and stay removed from Fortnite Battle Royale and the Epic ecosystem. We don’t want to give too many clues about what we’re doing, but we are rolling out tools and will continue to do so. Thousands have been banned and we have no plans to stop!

Account Progression... Read more

The Horde Bash update launches with a new game mode, weapons, heroes, defenders and more on Thursday, Oct 5.

Challenge The Horde, the new mode introduced in the Horde Bash update, introduces a new type of mission which utilizes a unique skill tree and progressive fort system. Your building skills will be tested as you and your squad level up your forts and pit them against a mix of all kinds of monsters.

Get ready to lock and load. Get your hands on the new Scavenger weapon set, four new Scavenger heroes, and two new defenders, all unlockable by completing Challenge the Horde missions and quests.  

View the full release notes below. Share your thoughts and suggestions on the ... Read more

03 Oct

Hi folks,

Wow, what a great response to Fortnite Battle Royale!  Here’s an update.

Duos will release in most regions with this release. We want to make sure that adding a new playlist doesn't make the experience less enjoyable so stay tuned for more updates on the status of Duos in your region.

Bring a friend and let the duos begin!
Supply Drops are back! ! We tried once, but couldn’t quite stick the landing. We fixed those issues and we’re excited for them to return.

Supply Drops are more likely to contain rare weapons and items that you want in a pinch. They’re also a hot zone for attention, so planning how to grab one is importa...

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02 Oct

The Horde Bash update is coming on Thursday, Oct. 5, and along with some enraged husks, it brings a new mode, new weapons, new Heroes, and more!

Challenge The Horde Mode

It all starts in a staging area. You’ll have unlimited time, but limited resources to build a portable horde fort. Once you've designed the perfect fort, exit the staging area and party with up to three friends. Your forts will be ready for action when your team hits the ground. As you survive, you’ll receive more resources and more rewards to Challenge The Horde.

Scavenger Event

With the new update comes a new event llama. The Scavenger Llamas holds four new Heroes, nine weapons, two new Defenders. Earn the Scavenger currency by completing quests and playing the new Challenge The Horde mode. The Scavenger weapon set is delicate, but they’re all cheap to craft.

New Heroes...

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29 Sep

Expect update 1.6.4 to release later today, Sept. 29th

Heya Fortnite community,

This week's update takes steady aim at community concerns with the Assault Rifle accuracy and weapon spread / bloom. The 1.6.4 release also includes a fix to a troublesome login issue on PS4 and a rendering crash on Xbox.

UPDATE - 1:00pm EDT:  Supply Drops and Duos are coming next week, along with a detailed blog breaking down our thoughts and goals on weapon accuracy. Expect leaderboards the following week.

EA1.6.4 Release Notes


Battle Royale

  • Balance
    • Adjustments to Assault Rifle.
      • White
        • Increased maximum accuracy by 10%.
        • Increased minimum accuracy by 22%.
        • Increased reload rate by 10%.
      • Green
        • Increased maximum accuracy by 8%.
        • Inc...
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28 Sep

Greetings Fort Friends,

On Oct. 2 at 4:00 a.m. EDT the Survive the Storm event will be ending, so make sure you get those final runs in and grab that last Hydraulic weapon you’ve been chasing (Rocket Launcher pls).

But, what’s next?

The Horde Bash event, featuring...  

  • Pre-Built Forts
  • Hordes of Husks
  • Instant Co-op Action
  • And more!

New details on the Horde Bash Update coming later this week.  

25 Sep

It’s time for everyone to drop out of the Battle Bus and into Fortnite Battle Royale as the mode goes free on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Mac with the release of the 1.6.3 patch tomorrow (Sept. 26). Gather your squad: four-player and two-player groups are here. Along with squads, we’ve added three new weapons and supply crates that drop from the sky during the match containing valuable items and weapons. This patch also includes a full Battle Royale balance pass, bug fixes and more.

For those out there Saving the World in PVE, we fixed a number of campaign bugs among other improvements. We’ll be talking more about the Horde Bash update for Save The World later this week, but if you missed the early look at the update, you can check out the latest dev video ... Read more

22 Sep

We hope you all have been having a good time playing Fortnite Battle Royale. We’re working hard to make sure you have plenty to look forward to in your quest to earn umbrellas. So, we want to give everyone an update!

Our big news is the initial version of Squads coming 9/26 with support for DBNO (down but not out), duos (2 players) and squads (1-4 players). Emphasis is on “initial” as we are optimizing for getting the feature out ASAP and will continue to iterate and polish afterwards. The squads playlist will be enabled on 9/26 and we will monitor population numbers to decide when to enable duos. In-game communication (text, voice, hints, etc) is crucial for auto-filled teams and is next on the list.

We hope the introduction of Squads will reduce the desire for teaming in solo play. That being said, we stood up a system that will automatically and swiftly ban teamers. We’ve been manually running the detection tool to...

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19 Sep

Hey Fortnite community,

We have exciting news: on September 26, Fortnite Battle Royale will be free for everyone on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Mac.

What’s Fortnite Battle Royale?
It’s a 100-player PvP mode in Fortnite that will be free for everybody on Sept. 26. One giant map. A battle bus. Fortnite building skills and destructible environments combined with intense PvP combat. The last one standing wins.

So, what’s the catch?
No catch. Fortnite Battle Royale is free and we will not sell items that give a competitive advantage. At some point in the future we will sell other things including cosmetics or compendium-like content.

Squads are Coming!
On September 26, Fortnite Battle Royale will introduce squads. Also, we’re working to improve the feel of combat, controls, weapons, movement and inventory.

“Save the World” PvE Updates
Fortnite’s “Save the World” PvE campaign remains in paid E...

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15 Sep

When playing Fortnite we ask you to agree to the following code of conduct:

(TLDR: Respect other players and play fair -simple right?)
  1. Respect other players. Be graceful in victory and defeat. Discriminatory language, hate speech, threats, spam, and other forms of harassment or illegal behavior will not be tolerated.
  2. Play fairly and within the rules of the game. Don’t cheat, AFK, grief, exploit bugs and glitches, or impersonate others.
  3. Keep account information safe and private. Giving access to your account puts you at risk. Do not share your account information or the account information of others.
  4. Good luck and have fun!
If you see players not respecting the Fortnite code, please reach out to us by contacting ... Read more

12 Sep

Hey Fortnite community,

We are excited to announce a new mode officially coming to Fortnite players on Sept. 26: Fortnite Battle Royale. 100 players. One giant map. A battle bus. Fortnite building skills and destructible environments are combined with intense PvP combat. The last commander standing wins.

Our Battle Royale mode is now in Public Test for Fortnite players and we would love your help testing the mode.   

Just open the game and select Battle Royale. We expect the servers will probably break and there will be other crashes and bugs during the Public Test.

Wait… What?
Yeah, we made a PvP mode for Fortnite. We love Battle Royale games like PUBG and thought Fortnite would make a great foundation for our own version. A few months ago Epic’s Unreal Tournament team began experimenting with the mode while the original Fortnite team kept updating the core...

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The v1.6 patch has arrived, and with it, the Public Test for Fortnite’s new Battle Royale PvP mode. It’s 100 players, one giant map. Put your building and combat skills to the test. The last player standing wins. Fortnite players have access to the Public Test right now before the mode is officially available on Sept. 26. Dive deeper with the official Battle Royal announce blog.


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