Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

30 Nov


Yup & sorry, this was just fixed yesterday and will be included in 1.10 (along with other smoke bomb problems, such as popping if 2 smoke bombs overlap and you walk into one directly from another).

Playing With Friends

Duos and Squads are best when you can play with friends! We realize that our existing social features make it hard to make and/or find friends. We are working on making it easier to play again with people you had a great game with, make new friends, and import your friends lists from other social networks.

Certain regions don’t have the Duos playlist (we hear you Oceania!) and we continue to monitor population per platform and region. We are working on a system that is going to allow us to schedule Duos during popular hours so we can offer the mode while maintaining a good experience.

Team Killing

We dropped the ball on addressing team killing. We take action based on player reports, but the system isn’t straightforward to use, and doesn’t let you know whether we took action or not. This needs improvement. Last week we started casting a wider net to catch current and past team killers and issued numerous warning...

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29 Nov


UPDATE: Patch V.1.9.1 is now Live!

28 Nov

Heya folks,

To celebrate Fortnite’s support of Xbox One X we are hosting a Battle Royale Plays contest, with a grand prize of three Xbox One Xs! 

The contest runs from Friday, Dec. 1 until Friday, Dec. 8 for all of you making those highlight reel-worthy plays! Send us your clips by 11:59 PM EST on Dec. 12 to be eligible.

After receiving all submissions, we will review them and announce the winners and runners-up in three different categories starting on Dec. 12. All entries must be submitted during the contest period. You can see the full rules here.

If you are selected as a winner in your respective category you will receive an Xbox One X! Runners Up in each c... Read more

20 Nov


Originally posted by Leme02

I had this 16 kill game, I jump off my build up forgetting I'm on the edge of a cliff. end up falling off and dying

I've been fighting at the edge and backed myself off the side of the map .. twice..

17 Nov

Fortnite has grown quick, fast and in a hurry! We’re humbled and happy to welcome so many of you into Fortnite. The community started as a tiny seed of online testers, now with your help it has blossomed into so much more. You’ve had lots of great suggestions and feedback about Fortnite and we’re listening! 

Here’s what you’re saying about RNG:

"Everything is RNG gated including heroes you can play. When you finally do get something decent, RNG determines the bonus stats as well. So you have RNG (llamas) upon RNG (loot from llamas) upon RNG (bonus/random stats on loot)" - /u/Dustin1280

We are delivering features that ease that feeling and increase your reward choices. We've added more quests, more storm rewards for evolution ingredients and more activities that easily allow you to get what you want. And guess what, we want to do more!

Here’s what you can expect soon:

Event Currency Store -... Read more

Get ready to board the battle bus at DreamHack this winter (Dec 1-3). We’ll be travelling to Jonkoping, Sweden to host a series of Fortnite Battle Royale community competitions - so prepare to take down opponents, build your way to the top, and win awesome prizes!


At DreamHack, everyone with a BYOC seat will be eligible to join the solo or duo tournament. Qualified players from both days (Friday and Saturday) will be able to compete for a larger prize pool on Sunday. The tournament is PC only - with the option to connect controller instead of mouse and keyboard to play. There's no sign-up required: just join the ...

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14 Nov


Originally posted by TheVindicator07

I think it might've just counted 2 games which is weird considering I've played over 200 games and can tell you with at least 1% certainty that I've built far more than that.

you had to have a minimum of 10 games to be sent, so it should have summed them all, though obviously something must have gone wrong :) Though as a side note, these stats were compiled about 2 weeks ago, so they don't have stats more recent than that included if you just started playing right before the cut off?

10 Nov

Heya folks,

We have a brand new feature for NVIDIA owners coming in that will allow you to quickly share those hype Fortnite Battle Royale Plays. 

Introducing, ShadowPlay Highlights from NVIDIA! No longer will your friends have to “take your word” when you tell them about that mountain sliding snipe headshot. ShadowPlay will save plays automatically by default. You are also able to manually configure which plays get saved to customize it to fit your style.

Auto-Saved Plays:
  • Double, Triple and Multi Kills
  • Win or a Death
Following a match the end game screen will have a ShadowPlay Highlights button allowing you to directly access your plays from the previous game.  ShadowPlay_Victory.jpg You can also find this button located in the Pre-Lobby screen, where you can v... Read more

08 Nov


Originally posted by revjurneyman

I have played so many more games than 10 and still have not received one. Sad...

They are still being sent!


Originally posted by AintThatSomeCrit

I don't believe I opted out, but I never confirmed my email when I created the epic account. Will I ever get one of these if I confirmed it now?

Yes as long as you didn't opt out, the email doesn't need to be verified. I checked this morning and they are still being sent out in batches, so it should show up eventually!


Originally posted by NKLhaxor

Do I have to have some sort of "Send me emails and newsletters" thing checked? Edit: Found the resubscription thing Didn't get it yet, guess I'll die

If we have your email on file and you haven't opted out, you should get one. If you opted out of emails when you made your account, you probably wouldn't get one. I'm 95% sure :) The company we use to send the emails handles that for us.


Originally posted by K_en

If i just verified my email, will I still get one?

Probably not this round, we generated all the lists and data last week. But we plan one continuing this and getting more interesting stats in! So there will be more in the future!


Originally posted by pikwel

only for solo games or the squads and the duos are also counted ?

All games are counted


Originally posted by 5onic

Did everyone get this?

If you played at least 10 games you should get one. There were a lot to send, so they may still be going out :)

04 Nov


Originally posted by Cheechers23

is this a hot fix or a client update?

This is a backend services update, so there will be nothing to download on your end.

03 Nov


Thanks for the patience here folks. Sorry for the interruption.

Fix for the issue here has been deployed and we are watching for full recovery. Initial signs are positive. Our login queue isn't too large atm, so we should have you all back in the Battle Bus real soon!

02 Nov


Originally posted by MikeFromSuburbia

Solid update but why no sniper rifle sensitivity change? Still unbearably slow on PS4 controllers.

We're going to have improvements for this live with 1.9.

We're changing the defaults to something we find acceptable and that solves the issues that players are seeing now.

We also have console aim assist improvements coming soon as well.

30 Oct

    /u/ on News - Thread - Direct
Performance matters, and while we’ve been steadily chipping away at improving things, we’ve taken a few steps back here and there and generally aren’t where we want to be long term.

From a player’s point of view, the manifestation of performance-related issues are:

  • Low framerate -> increased input latency, large delta between frames
  • Display latency -> increased input latency
  • Hitches (abnormally long frame time) -> frozen display followed by fast-forward
  • Inconsistent framerate -> hard to aim

  • Low player connection update rate / framerate -> increased ping
  • Hitches (abnormally long frame time) -> “rubber banding”

  • Packet loss -> “rubber banding”
  • Connection bandwidth saturation -> “rubber banding”
  • High ping  -> “rubber banding”
  • Packet bursting (especially on wifi) -> “rubber banding”

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