Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

13 Apr


Originally posted by CloudNine

I've seen a lot of comments from people with some pretty high end computers that are experiencing massive frame drops as well so it's not just us potato PC folk.

Can you drop me an email with their display names?

Today's store refresh had the incorrect Sun Sprout Back Bling paired with the Hypernova Outfit. We'll be granting anyone who purchased the Hypernova Outfit today the correct Oscilloscope Back Bling. Anyone who purchased the Hypernova Outfit today with the incorrect Sun Sprout Back Bling will still get to keep that item.

EDIT: We've updated the store to now display the correct Oscilloscope Back Bling with the Hypernova Outfit. Players who received the Sun Sprout Back Bling will be granted the Oscilloscope Back Bling in the next few days.

External link โ†’

12 Apr


Originally posted by GaiaOmega

Please please PLEASE, look into the audio. Emotes are cutting out, even music themes on the lobby cut out aswell, and the entire audio is possibly broken.

Random directions of footsteps stop playing suddenly, enemy gliders aren't being heard half of the time now and it's just a bit of a mess. Please focus on the audio on the Switch if you can. I experience these audio issues daily.

We're aware of the audio issues on emotes, music, etc.. We're looking to have these audio issues resolved as soon as we can.


Originally posted by justgrowingup

When is 8.4?

Probably middle of next week. We'll have some clarity Sunday night or Monday morning and more confidence in timing around 24 hours before downtime starts... which is why we end up not communicating details :-)