over 2 years ago - OminousGMan - Direct link

Hello Adventurers,

Firstly, we are making an update to the rewards given by Cursed Gnomes. Currently, the rewards given are Cursed Runes or a Vault Key. The Vault Key will be removed from the Cursed Gnomes Rewards and it will only drop Cursed Runes going forward.

Secondly, to celebrate the holidays we will be increasing the chance of Cursed Gnomes appearing. This will run for the next 2 weeks.

over 2 years ago - Kafka - Direct link

Hey folks,

Just following up on this with more information:

The Vault Event increases the chance of a Vault Key dropping, so even though the Cursed Gnome has 0% chance of dropping a Vault Key, the event’s vault key chance increase was applying to it. We are putting in a change so prevent this from applying to the Cursed Gnome in future Vault Events.

over 2 years ago - Jeto - Direct link

Hey all,

In relation to the Runepriest Quest;

over 2 years ago - Jeto - Direct link

I am unsure myself but does appear to have been some testing data.

Should be removed in the next 24hrs!

Jeto - Support Human :woman_mage:t2: