Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

05 Mar


Originally posted by chrish162

Hello, Mike. Thanks for doing this!

When can PvPers queue outside of Heart of the Mists?

How players move between maps in PvP is different than in the rest of the game and because of that it there are technical limitations on our ability to have players queue from outside the Mists. If we can find a solution to the technical challenges around this we would love to be able to do this but it is a very difficult problem given how the code between these systems work.


Originally posted by KiLLi4N

Some QA related questions. How big is your QA dept., how is it structured and what is your bugtracker of choice?

QA at launch was a very large group (something like 60ish people) in-house, but since then we moved to a leaner model with more testing being done as the content is developed. QAE started up after launch and we are a little more than a hand full of developers now.

Before launch we used Fogbugz, we switched to DevSuite after launch, and recently transitioned to JIRA after the HoT release.


Originally posted by Mireles

If someone locked everyone in your office and unleashed a crate of really pissed off honey badgers who would have the top kill count?

Hank the Honey Badger of DOOM!

Or did you mean from the devs?


Originally posted by Syrio21

Is Ree Soesbee still at Anet? Haven't heard anything about her since a chinese release interview

She is indeed!

04 Mar


Originally posted by Sznurek066

You you plan some big changes on PvP unpopular maps? For example changing the orb mechanic on spirit watch etc. Do you plan to add some new PvP maps in near future?

From John Corpening earlier in the thread:

It is definitely our intent to build new maps for PvP for both Conquest and Stronghold. Before we dig into that, we are taking a pass on making some improvements to our existing maps. We've had some feedback from some of our top players on how some existing maps could be adjusted to be more competitive. Expect to see some adjustments along those lines first.


Originally posted by GimmeSylvari

@ /u/LeahLorer : Hi ! Could we have the chance to get some lore Q&A in the future ? :)

I'll look at setting up something with the whole Narrative team! It would be fun to chat story with folks.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Why wasn't stronghold adjusted anymore after the last beta? There are still many issues with it, for example archers being basically useless.

We're aware that there are still existing pain points on the Battle of Champion's Dusk map and we are actively working to address them.


Originally posted by Zalladi

If you could tease us expansion #2 with one word, what word would it be? And can we put your face on the hype train?

(Also - thanks for making the thread!)



Originally posted by [deleted]


Chauncey agrees with you.


Originally posted by GOOD-Gaming

Hey guys, thanks for doing this. Are you aware of any issues with the current matchmaking system for league season 2, or is everything working as intended? If you do see an issue, is there anything we can know about that you are doing to fix it?

We're aware that there are frustrations with the initial starting period for Season 2 and we are currently planning to improve overall match quality for Season 3, particularly during the start of the season.


Originally posted by Aggadan

About sPvP, how do you feel about the balance and the impact of engineer/ele/rev still being able to bunker, while the necro do a crazy amount of damage, the warrior can't be competitive nor the thief or the mesmer? How do you consider the power creep? Is there a team working actively on balance ? How do you feel about the impossibility to play ranked between the pvp season? On a sidenote how do you consider the matchmaking for ranked, are you considering improvement to stop successive lose streak due to high spread of mmr between players in a same team?

The team has been evaluating what to do in the off season. We don't have a firm plan yet but it is something that is being discussed.

Regarding ranked play, it is our highly competitive mode. While everyone can participate in it, you do need to think of it more like a tournament. That said, we are looking at ways to get higher tier players to where they need to be faster. In S2 we added win streaks which our data has shown has helped a lot to achieve this. Again, no solid plans yet but this is something that the team is keeping a close eye on.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We believe that having distinct meta periods is healthy for the state of PvP, but keeping the meta constantly in flux was frustrating for most players, because things that were effective one day were ineffective the next week.

As we have shown, we're willing to make changes to improve the health of the meta mid-season, but we also don't wish to constantly change the meta during PvP League Seasons in general.


Originally posted by [deleted]

My question is for Leah: At the end of HoT some pretty shocking events came to pass. Will we be able to deal with these events in Season 3? Pressing F just... Didn't feel right. :(

The reason I'm asking about this is because I really loved the improvements done to the Pact Commander and the quality of the story missions in general. I really enjoyed playing through the missions and all those sylvari specific dialogue lines were amazing!! I felt really connected in the story with my character (also Canach rocks). Considering how outspoken the Commander was in HoT, it felt very abrupt how the story ended with HoT spoilers

The story will definitely pick up in Season 3 where we left off in HoT. I totally understand your concern. As Mike mentioned in his letter, above, we had to take a lot of people off of Living World to focus on getting HoT out the door. This meant that we were left with a larger gap between that content and resuming Living World content. We had originally intended one to more quickly lead into the other. But the next chapter will be coming!

And yes, Canach does rock! He's one of my favorites.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We definitely have a long-term plan! I feel that is really important and something that will help us be sure to emphasize key beats and wrap up threads moving forward, rather than create loose ends.

That being said, there are many ways for us to get to the big milestones along the way, and with every new release/season/xpac, we always do a lot of brainstorming on the best ways to get us there.

And fun fact, we Devs have taken to calling it Steve in meetings. It isn't official, but it makes us laugh!


Originally posted by debacol

With regards to pvp: we have small group and massive scale, any chance you might try and implement something inbetween? Say 10v10 or 15v15? I know you used to have 8v8, but they didnt work well for the maps you created. Any thoughts on revisiting this? I played a good 7 years of wow, and even though i dont play anymore i miss warsong gulch and their other maps because the dynamic truly changes with different team numbers and different objectives than just conquest.

We currently don't have plans for match sizes larger than 5v5 in PvP. When it comes to PvP, we've seen in the past that once we get above 5v5, match quality and individual skill tends to matter less the more players we add, so we won't be going higher than 5v5 at the present.


Originally posted by [deleted]

WvW has been a very complicated system. We are changing some of the core architectural components. It will allow us to implement some of the changes Tyler outlined, and also provide us a foundation for more flexibility moving forward.

Seriously?! It's been years since launch, but every feature is always laying the damn foundation.

Ever gonna even think about maybe building the rest of the house?

We are doing both. :) The upcoming blog posts will talk about the features Tyler listed in more details.


Originally posted by Mazayaz

I'm proud of this game.

First time i've see developers speaking so openly with theirs players on a big company.

Thanks. Days like this are some of the reasons I love working here. (Well, not the Colin leaving part.) I'm proud of ANet too.


Originally posted by MC_Celestia

What are the chances on bringing Courtyard PvP map back to the unranked selection list? If you already answered it I apologize as there was wayyyyy too much to read haha.

Our currently supported gamemodes are Conquest and Stronghold. Courtyard still has a place in custom arenas, but it won't be returning to Unranked or Ranked arena.


Originally posted by GimmeSylvari

Must be weird questions to ask, but since we've got someone to talk about Creatures and someone to talk about narrative... /u/LeahLorer & /u/Anet_RoyCronacher .

1)Are we finally going to have tonics for the Mordrem Creatures from HoT (Mordrem guards + the three Mordrem commanders + Mordrem mounts, etc) ? And if not, why ? Seems weird that we wouldn't get those, when we got like 4 different mushrooms and chak tonics... pretty please ? :)

2) Was there a backstory for the Mordrem commanders like Staffmaster Adryn & Axemaster Hareth ?

3) Was the Nightmare Court storyline really cut off ? There's no explanation whatsoever about who is the duchess Chrysanthea and why we actually let her lead us against Mordremoth at the end of Dragonstand.

4)...What about the other Pale Tree mentionned in the Sylvari personnal story, and Malyck who came from it ? Are we going to know more about that someday ? Ho...

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We've had many discussions here about most of your questions. The reality of making games is that we often have content that we love that doesn't make the cut because of scope concerns. We are discussing ways we might be able to delve further into some of these.

As to the Nightmare Court question, there are places in the game where we deal with the fact that, in the war against Mordremoth, we're pretty much on the same side. Nightmare Court don't want to follow anyone blindly...not the Pale Tree and not Mordremoth.


Originally posted by Vuish

Mike, have you or any of the developers had a chance to actually sit down and play the game you've worked so hard on? Or has it been a constant "Go go go!" of trying to address/fix all the issues the community has brought up?

I also play on a regular basis. Mostly missions and WvW.