Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

19 Apr


Originally posted by matzimazing

If I don't want to use the lv80 booster now, can I put it in my bank and have access to the free shared slot? I have a set of 80s already, but I'd love to be able to reroll in the future if a new race is added.

The level boost can't be moved from the shared slot, so only consuming can let you access the slot.


Originally posted by melin-skyland

After this update, what should reddit be salty about now?



Originally posted by lundjames

Do you guys have a CI team and are unit tests part of your definition of Done?

(Curious, not being sarcastic.)

We do have dedicated engineers working on build/CI. We also have some developer regression suites. Most of the traditional CI concepts are not DoD for our development teams due to workflow/legacy reasons


Originally posted by Educatedcollins

First off, Good Job on the patch notes. Look promising.

What I do want to address though is the lack of changes for PvP. There still is a lot of issues that arise in PvP with the reliance of elite specs for a lot of players and the lack of build diversity seen in higher rankings.

Many of the trait paths have been overshadowed in the current meta as they do not contribute enough to be worth a slot. It would be nice to see some of the other build see some love like burn guardian, condi thief , power necro, etc.

While some of the predominate build have been address with the current patch notes, the overall status of PvP has not been affected.

Many Runes and Sigils just do not get used as there are better options for a lot of them.

I was just wondering if there will be other significant changes that will be address in PvP in the coming months before ranked starts up again or are you currently satisfied with the state of PvP at this point of tim...

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With this balance patch we will continue to monitor the health of PvP balance. We will also keep making changes in the PvP build panel to add more build diversity through runes, sigils, and amulets. Including making changes to existing items to make them more competitve/viable options.


Originally posted by Azzarii

Did you really base the ledgendary shortbow off the tiger massacre in Chuka and Champawat Tiger Masacaares

I'm super glad that you caught on to this! I drew a lot of insperation for the journey from the life of Jim Corbett.


Originally posted by jmdbcool

Thank you for this amazing patch! The free shared inventory slot is a wonderful surprise!

Can we get some options for how shared slots appear in inventory? I always have bags hidden, and shared slots break the nice 10-column / 20-slot layout. For example:

We can arrange the rest of our bags in any order, but when it comes to shared slots, we're stuck. =( This issue was discussed when shared slots first came out; hopefully it gets more traction now that it affects all HoT players.

Allowing for moving the shared slots around like a bag is a decent amount of work. It's not out of the realm of possibility, and something we should look at especially if we increase the cap on shared slots much more in the future.

The suggestion in that thread for keeping the shared slots and main inventory separate, even in "Hide Bags" mode is something that may be a reasonable compromise that can be done on a shorter timeframe. No guarantees on if or when, but I'll take a look when I have some down time.


Originally posted by P3RrYCH

obligatory rip bot comment

It never stood a chance.


Originally posted by CLC-

This is what the game really needed, it seems like you are listening to the community and making it fun to play again!

Thanks for all your time fixing what was broken <3

Glad to hear that you are enjoying the patch!


Originally posted by [deleted]

In Colin's absence we seem to be lacking dank memes. Is there any way the dev team can help us make up for our lost ground?

I'm sure new dank memes will arise in the future. It's inevitable.


Originally posted by Drummermean

Hello /u/ANET_Blonk, it's entry number 7. The deer is lying there. When I go to the deer on the cliff, I get an event where the two legendary tigers should appear, but they don't (can see the event to top right of screen).

To the north of my location, an event spawns, when I go there, it just loops around to get to the cliff again. Some people have managed to get through this.

People are also struggling to get the event to spawn on the Hunter's Bane part of the collection. Thanks.

Have everyone leave the event area for 30 seconds and come back, that should reset it.

18 Apr


Originally posted by Kaligos

If Anet makes Skyhammer a competitive map, I'm gonna swallow a broom whole.

Channeling your inner Herzog, I see? I'mma hold you to that. ;)

15 Apr


Awesome video and congrats on obtaining The Ascension!

12 Apr


Glad you liked it! As Charrikayu pointed out, this work was to get it into gliding shape - lots of invisible walls, low res props without collision, etc that needed fixing. I had some extra time so I did polish up, rework the newly accessible areas a bit - esp the Smelter, above/below the Gladium Canton (plus some added scaffolding outside you can get to), and around The Bane.

Lots of pretty epic new spots for screenshots too. Happy exploring!

07 Apr


Anyone able to confirm whether this is still happening?

05 Apr


Originally posted by txxtz

hi, it's been about a week since i've had a reply regarding this known bug. just following up on the matter to make sure this conversation hasn't been lost in reddit limbo forever. i understand you're busy and look forward to a reply on the status of this bug. thank u sir have a lovely day.

Nope, not forgotten! There's been some work done related to the "stuck bug" I mentioned before that I was hoping might help with this one (it's possible they have similar underlying causes). Have you seen this issue lately?

04 Apr


Always great to see people offering to help others that want to try something new!

01 Apr


Originally posted by wolfer_

Part of me wants to believe that's a joke, the other part of me is thinking they probably can't think of any ranger jokes because nobody at ANet plays one.

I play one and Izzy was happy to point out to me that Ranger wasn't getting a note. He's really that cruel irl 😂


Originally posted by spcwarmachine

I hope Hugh sees what you did...

That is a nice name you got there. . .

31 Mar


Originally posted by ANET_Blonk

Just say "Hi! My name is ____. <insert response here> It's nice to meet you!" and have a nice conversation. :)

We're all very friendly and want to have a conversation with you. Come say hi to our friendly coworkers!

28 Mar

    /u/Tivac on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by aRestless

Paging /u/Tivac

Not my thing, that's the patching endpoint.