Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

12 Mar

11 Mar


As someone who has been to Toga Party and multiple other GGB in-game events I highly recommend these! It's always a load of fun and the organizers/community are great. :D

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Can't stop won't stop

10 Mar

09 Mar


Was great chatting with you, Deeg. If it wasn't so late for the both of us I would have rambled on for another hour. ;)


Originally posted by Fireaddicted

The best players in this game are those who ascended... I mean those who discovered that it's not about the rewards but about the journey.

Long ago I've fully equipped over 16 heroes with very top tier gear and multiple build, finished raids and challenge modes. What I do now, is that I play for fun. I like to guide new players, spend time talking, help discover things and even portal people around.

Because game is skill based, you can't ever be too OP, everything will always be a challenge. I'm not talking about static groups of players who keep speedrunning stuff, they are the first to burn out and leave.

Take it easy, enjoy good company if you've got social guild, have fun :)

The real treasure wasn't the loot we earned, it was the friends we made along the way.