Ok thanks all for taking the time to discuss GW2. I am going to hop into the game and play a little before hitting the sack.
Keep the feedback coming and we will be sure to communicate more frequently with you all.
Keep making GW2 Great!
Ok thanks all for taking the time to discuss GW2. I am going to hop into the game and play a little before hitting the sack.
Keep the feedback coming and we will be sure to communicate more frequently with you all.
Keep making GW2 Great!
Hi Chris,
There's a lot of negativity in here and I'd just like so say thanks to you and your team for making a really fantastic game. There are a lot of quiet folk like myself who are happy still discovering all things in the game and who aren't burnt out, worrying about a gear treadmill.
A long time fan
Hi teho,
Thanks for your kind words, it means a lot to be making people happy!
Not trying to spam this, but this topic hasn't been discussed at all. Would very much appreciate ANY input on it, thank you.
Magic find and just drops in general (with or without MF gear) seems to have been greatly altered to a minimum. Also, in the most recent patch it was noted that Veterans/Champions should always drop something at least, irregardless of what quality. Is the system working as you intended since the update or are there most definitely problems with it as it stands? Also, if it is 'working as planned' why the huge change in drops? Coupled with diminishing rewards it is hard to farm legitly and almost points the player to the Cash Shop instead of relying on self-reliance. Thanks in advance!
Hi Sin,
So yep you are right this is the question i have been likely dodging the most? The reason being is that it requires investigation. Vet and Champs should give good loot and there are a number of reports on perceived decrease in the frequency of drops. I will be discussing this in depth with the Production and Design team tomorrow and we will hopefully have more info soon.
Hi cixz,
Forgive my shortness in the reply but the answers are easy but the information is not something we would be prepared to talk about yet.
1: Yes 2: Its an interesting design proposition.
Hope you aren't to angry about the lack of info and thanks for taking the time to get involved in the conversation.
Longtime GW1 player here. A huge part of what made GW1 fun were builds. Constantly being able to tweak and modify your playstyle is what GW1 fun and long-lasting experience.
My problem with the direction GW2 is going to has nothing to do with grind, but a lack of options. There more time I invest in making my character stronger, the more I am forced to specialize and only play one particular build. When I buy expensive time-sink armor, I'm forced to play whatever build that armor is made for. It is discouraging, because you end up losing all of the flexibility traits, weapons, and utility skills bring when you are pigeonholed by your armor.
Hi Blue,
Really interesting comment that i agree with. I love the fact that i can create a really good build and would love the ability to swap between builds (armor and all). This is something we will be paying more attention to. Thanks for the post and support.
More news to come.
Thanks for the time you and your crew have put into the game. We are having a great time!
Are we going to see an increase to the regularity of community communications, like a weekly newsletter? Is it possible to have more direct involvement with fansites or non-commercial sites with this increase of information flow?
A regular release of insights and info may help relieve some of the need to do a 10 hr AMA in the future. :)
Hi Grayn,
i love the goal here and it is an area i have been thinking about a lot today. Specifically a more frequent conversation between the community and the team. Still brainstorming around it, so watch this space.