Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

23 May

22 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


If I had a waterfall for every time I heard this joke while I was working on them, I wouldn't be done yet. Maybe by this time next year?


Cody here from ANET HQ. Thanks for the shout out! I had a little bit of extra time on my hands, so I hand-crafted each and every waterfall's soundscape with an aim for it to seem appropriate, fitting for the size and complexity of the waterfall system (and your distance from it)--from the smallest trickle to the largest rushing rapids or roaring cascade.

There's hundreds of waterfalls out there, and hopefully they're all pleasing to the ear now. Feedback is always welcome, and most likely to be read at our official audio forums.

21 Feb

20 Feb


Thank you. Sorry about that.Fix is on the way.


Originally posted by driminary

There's also a rock in the Swashbuckler's Cave jp at the end thats missing making it impossible to complete it and reach the Moa's. Looks like everything moved of Gendarran Fields to help out refugees - including the scenery!

Thank you.Sorry about that. Fix is on the way.

18 Feb


You found it :) been there since launch.

14 Feb


Originally posted by Friti

mmm, are you sure is a kid and not a lantern?

kid :)

08 Jan

Originally posted by pure_satire

Alright "ArenaNetSupportTeam", if that is your real name. The jig is up! We all know those are links to phishing websites!

Dang, the jig is up. Here I am posting and gasp! sending you to the official forums! Definitely a sketchy act on my part. ;)

07 Jan

Thanks for posting the warning!

We have a big thread on our official forums about this, including tasty (well, ok, not-so-tasty) samples of the phishing attempts. Here's the thread:

If you ever want to send over a potential addition to our "sampler," you can post it here (but kindly remove all the sketchy links first ;) ):

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03 Dec

Originally posted by PSIKOTICSILVER

By profane I mean swear words which would be masked by the chat filter, not directed at a person. For example, if I were talking in map chat with an acquaintance and said, "I just f***** up real bad on my biostatistics test".

(Don't worry, I did fine on the exam :D)

I expected them to be disallowed, but it's always good to hear it right from the horse's mouth, so to speak. Unfortunately, most companies take this stance even with chat filter technology.

I appreciate the direct feedback :)

One thing I want to say is that we are gamers and we certainly understand an occasional "slip of the tongue." I really don't think that a slip like the one you mentioned would be reported, and if it were reported, I rather doubt that an agent would take action. One word, not aggressively stated? I think we'd be watchful for repeats, but not react directly and immediately on that single word use.

After all, we're trying for reasonable and fair, in addition to pleasant for everyone. :D

02 Dec

Originally posted by PSIKOTICSILVER

Given the chat filter feature, is profane but non-belligerent language in violation of these principles?

(Just a question, no catch.)

Profane's disallowed, if I understand you properly. It does not need to be directed to an individual to be offensive.

Originally posted by westomopresto

Is it just me, or is this playground talk?

Why do you guys take language so seriously? Pretty sure the majority of the player base is grown up enough to ignore the demoralizing speech if it happens.

Do you speak for every culture? Every age group? Every gender, belief system, and comfort level? Nope, you don't. NONE of us can. And that's why there's a "bar" -- a certain expectation for publicly-acceptable language in the game. We set the bar to do our best to make the game world a pleasant place for everyone. No one is (or at least should be) offended by having to use moderate language. But quite a few pepople are offended by seeing offensive language used by others. The ability to play a game without being assailed with offensive language is far greater a right than the option to use the F-word. :)

It seems logical in a setting like a game world to use moderate language and reasonable behavior.

Originally posted by GamerToons

I try to be as honest as possible and I really appreciate you getting back to me and sorting this out.

I will be more careful with my language and I never once thought this was some conspiracy.

Thanks for being so understanding.

(Oh, and I didn't believe you were amongst those who demonized NCSOFT or ArenaNet for our chat policies. ;) )

Originally posted by GamerToons

Thanks for the clarification, but how long is this suspension for? I remember the chat conversation you are speaking of and I can understand why it was a ToS violation. I will never use the F word in open map chat again and as a longtime user will take this very seriously.

Can I get an indication of how long the suspension would be active? I am banned for 70 hours.

To give reddit users some color here:

A bunch of users were bashing NCSoft in open mapchat. Saying that NCSoft screwed them over here and there

I sarcastically said "Oh yeah well NCSoft had sex with my mother and never called or paid child support"

Someone chewed me out and I apologized.

They then told me to use my brain next time.

I told them to "Shut the F*** up"


I Just wanted to be open and honest with other users here even if it's somewhat embarrassing.

Thank you ANet and community (The nice ones)

I did break ToS ...

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I have to say, I admire (and am a bit surprised by) your honesty! The conversation was along those lines, you're right, and it wasn't the anti-NCSOFT stuff that prompted the suspension but the offensive nature of the commentary (which was reported a bunch of times). In this case, the suspension is 72 hours from its inception.

Rest assured, conspiracy theorists: We don't take action because gasp! hand on forehead! faint!!1! someone insulted our company! That's pretty much water off a duck's back. It's not always what you say, but how you say it and the language you use that causes the issue.

Hi there. We looked into this and came to the following conclusion: The account should not have been flagged as terminated, and the action that was taken was not related to a purchase of gold or of some sort of RMT activity. However, the account definitely was involved in a pretty serious chat violation that was reported by several players and confirmed by our agent. The error on the agent's part came in how he or she marked the account, but not in taking of action on the account.

We apologize for the "mis-flagging" of the account but the suspension will remain in place. Please use better judgment in the future.

12 Nov

Originally posted by [deleted]

I don't know if they work over the weekends and holidays.

Is that where you submitted a ticket?

Oh yes, we have agents on the floor (ok, at their desks ;) ) 24/7/365. We can't promise instantaneous response times, but we do have agents on board to help no matter the day or time, so we keep up to date on ticket queues.

Originally posted by ArenaNetSupportTeam

We will respond within minutes with an auto-response to let you know "Hey, we got your ticket." Then, an agent will get busy on the matter and will update you as soon as possible afterwards. Response times vary depending on the complexity of the issue.

May I point you to a thread I wrote up about this very issue? It has a lot of valuable info (well, I hope it's valuable! ;) ) about which ISPs are giving us fits... ahem... having problems routing our emails properly.

Here's the thread:

The last thing we want to do is block you from playing the game you purchased! :( I am sure your ticket will be answered soon, but if you're not getting our mails, you might want to consider the suggestion...

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And just for our tracking info: What ISP -- e-mail provider -- are you using? We're finding many people are experiencing problems using Yahoo accounts. Does that happen to be what you're using as well?

We will respond within minutes with an auto-response to let you know "Hey, we got your ticket." Then, an agent will get busy on the matter and will update you as soon as possible afterwards. Response times vary depending on the complexity of the issue.

May I point you to a thread I wrote up about this very issue? It has a lot of valuable info (well, I hope it's valuable! ;) ) about which ISPs are giving us fits... ahem... having problems routing our emails properly.

Here's the thread:

The last thing we want to do is block you from playing the game you purchased! :( I am sure your...

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07 Nov

Originally posted by GambitsEnd

I have heard in the past that ArenaNet is great to their customers

No idea where you've heard this from, but it's absolute fiction. Everyone I know that has had to deal with their customer service has never been helped.

Personally, I've contacted them about five times. Never have had my problem solved. First time was when I pre-purchased the game and they sent me an invalid code, so was unable to play in any beta weekend. I asked ANet to fix the issue, but they refused, so I didn't even get to play early access. Pissed off, I flagged it as an unauthorized charge and the bank reversed it. Then I simply bought it from a local retailer.

Another time was when my account was compromised and a hacker took in excess of 450 gold from my account (not counting valuable items). CLEARLY it was hacked, as the access point was from an entirely different region of the world, but they refused to roll back my account or take action against where ev...

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I'd be happy to review those tickets, if you can please provide me the numbers.

What you're describing just doesn't read right at all. Yes, we're human and we make mistakes, but I'd like to get into the meat and bones of the tickets to find out if such decisions were made, why they were made.

In particular, we do not randomly charge someone's credit card, for games, gems, or anything else. That's not only bad business, that's illegal. We're really careful about following not just the letter of the law, but the spirit as well. So I have to get into that ticket to find out what you believe happened and what really happened, because with all due respect, I cannot believe that we charged you $25 and never removed the charges, which seems to be what you suggested. :( If you brought this to our attention, I am 100% confident that any erroneous charge was addressed very, very quickly.

The hacked account situation doesn't read as standard. There's more to that sto...

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