Thank you.
Thank you.
Aw. I liked multilingual golems.
The concept of English, French, German and Chinese languages actually don't exist in Tyria. As such, you should only be able to hear one language at a time, your primary audio language in settings. Sorry, no multilingual golems or anything else for that matter.
Even if it was a fun bug for some of you, having consistency in our game is important enough that we intend to straighten things like this out when we can. Please do think of people who are really unhappy with things like this before you criticize the bugfix, there's actually a lot more of them than you may think.
That Golem fellow which was greeting people in 3 languages (Good Morning. Guten Morgen. Bonjour.) now does that just in English.
I actually fixed that bug several releases ago. Thanks for noticing it anyway! It actually plays in the language that is your primary audio language.
So tasty. :D
Yes, thank you all very much! I read the comments that were printed out before snagging a cupcake. Can you imagine how nice it was to receive this gift?
All I can suggest is that those that believe they have been wrongfully banned contact our customer support team: (to create a ticket).
He's our secret weapon, don't tell anyone though, it's a secret!!
Figured I might as well ask here. Can you please ask the people that design the armor. To make some medium chest armor that's not a coat or trench coat.
While we read Reddit and do pick up feedback from here, I believe something like this requires more community involvement - I will pass it along though.
Currently the best place to start discussions about this sort of thing are on our official forums:
No promises but we all love Super Adventure Box, so you never know what the future may hold.
Love this, I will make sure to use it on our Facebook.
Also, moar plox ;)
that cutting issues...
When I made the Taimi teaser last week the exact same thing happened to me!!! (not a Photoshop newbie either)
Care to share who it is? Or just a random mad charr?
I don't want to give that away, all will become apparent later today :)
For the next time we need to do this
Handy tool, thanks :)
Done! (low quality though)
edit: someone posted a higher quality solution too
We will be publishing a higher quality with our release page later today.
You better not make Taimi evil. If you do I will personally come to your HQ and turn you all into undead slaves for my army. No body messes with Joko's Taimi.
Shhhh, don't tell anyone but Taimi is my favourite of the B-Iconic characters ;)
So, uh, are you people going to be active on reddit from now on?
We aim to be active in as many places as we can, I may not always be around to comment but please note we always read all feedback that our players leave, no matter where it is (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, our forums etc.).
I know this isn't the best place to report this bug, but in Firefox (latest version) the Submit button disappears if Photo is selected as a type. It works fine in Chrome.
Link a picture/screengrab of the issue and I will have it looked at :)
You tease.
Very cool, remember to submit any that you want showcased on our Tumblr:
Either she's holding something in her hands, or she's rubbing her hands together in utter glee.
She might well be rubbing her hands with glee ;)