
Halo Dev Tracker

27 Sep

26 Sep

25 Sep


Originally posted by quantumechanicalhose

does crtl + shift + winkey + B fix it and are your graphics card drivers up to date? I've heard updating drivers have fixed quite a few issues.

not sure what GPU you're on, but the known issues list cites a specific AMD driver (or newer) is highly, highly recommended. (or latest NVIDIA might also help)

24 Sep


Originally posted by Acer1096xxx

Are you also aware of those with laptops that have integrated graphics cards aren't getting invites? I have a Razer Blade 15 with an rtx 2060 and I haven't been invited for either flights. Did the dxdiag well before 9/12.

Edit: just saw the #2 edit. Thanks for addressing, ske7ch. Appreciate the hard work your team is putting into resolving these issues.

Just updated my main post up there but yes, digging into this more - it does indeed look like an issue where only the integrated GPU is detected, not the dedicated GPU. Unfortunately I'm told this is not a trivial issue to resolve and as such, very unlikely we can address for this flight. Wish I had better news, very sorry for that.


Originally posted by thedavecan

Here's a question: last flight I had a GTX 970, in between flights I upgraded to a RTX 3070 Ti. I forgot to update my dxdiag file on waypoint. Do I not get into the flight now that I've updated it? If not, no biggie, that's on me. Just wondering what to expect.

If you had the updated DXDIAG with your 3070 in your profile before the query was run, which I believe was 9/12, then you should get picked up in the batch today.
If you updated it after that cut-off, we won't be able to get you in this weekend but hopefully you'll be able to slip in next week via the expanded options I mentioned above.


Originally posted by ThePotatoRage

This is EXACTLY the kind of response we were looking for. Porblems will always occour in beta builds, and obviously fixing the game ITSELF is a priority. Just giving your fans the feeling that their voice is heard, and that they're NOT forgotten by any means, is very important.

Please keep in mind we have thousands of people tweeting at us, tens of thousands of support tickets pouring in and we're just a few people doing the best we can. Everyone cares, we can just only do so much, so fast.
I'm very glad the team was able to sort out the 3080 card issues and steps are underway right now to remedy that along with the invalid steam keys - combined that's a decent chunk of players and trust me, we want all of them in this flight because that group alone could be the difference between us hitting our concurrency goals or not!


An issue was identified where 3080 and similar cards did not get recognized correctly. Looks like that's less than 2,000 people who fall into that category. Updated invites/keys should be going out to these folks who should've been included today (this work is underway now).

There are several thousand Insiders with 900-series GPUs who were invited last time but really shouldn't have been given the known issues and level of support in the game. For this preview, the call was made that this build doesn't officially support those cards, which means those folks did not get invited.

Additionally, we do have reports of a subset of Insiders who have reported that their profile was inexplicably wiped/reset. This is a new issue still being investigated with no obvious root cause and is not expected to be resolved during this preview.

There are admittedly a variety of less than ideal aspects to this entire flow and we recognize that. Unfortunately, tinkering with the ...

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