I'll look into that, thanks for the info!
Let me know how it goes. :)
I'll look into that, thanks for the info!
Let me know how it goes. :)
What's that?
Generally happens when you're playing on the same network.
Double check that you're not running into a double NAT.
Your talent has evolved leaps and bounds over the years.
This is incredible. <3
well that escalated quickly
The Lore’d has spoken!
Bias? But correct
I mean yes, everything I say is biased lol. But then, so is everything anyone says, really. ;)
We’d make his height appear even more impressive, haha
Pretty sure I'd get cut out of the pic to make sure Chief fits. rip me.
I wanna stand next to both of you, all 5'2 of me. 😂
I love it! :)
I'll be pretty bummed if this doesnt happen
This came up during the AMA where we stated it wasn't the official plan of record for launch. As we've seen more and more feedback we have clearly heard this is important to a lot of players - it is something the team has been investigating but ultimately I'd say it's still TBD and probably outside of scope for launch.
So will it be one big buy or would you buy the games individually
current plan is that each game will be sold individually as they are released. I'd imagine that at some point down the road when it's all said and done, there's probably some kind of option to buy it all at once but a lot of those details are TBD.
Damn you are working late! Also I would have expected that error from Grim not you smh
What do we say to the god of bad formatting?
Not today.
I spotted that tweet after the Update was published, so I added it in quickly and our tweet template didn't like how I did it :P
Yeah it was, but I've read comments of threads on Reddit that thought they'd go vanilla.
My hunch was on getting the TU anyways
Max has stated that TU is the plan of record though I'd expect vanilla settings to likley be avaialble for customs, etc.. if people want to use 'em.
Does that monitor on the right have motion blue or just low refresh rate? /bad photo :/
was just a factor of the phone camera catching it in a weird state.
Didn't someone say they were gunna stream some gameplay? What happened to that?
We will once we're a little further along. We've said that we plan show off more prior to public flighting starting.
So I just saw a new article about the progression and saw they were going to have seasons??? Do we have to pay for a season pass now?
No plans to charge for a season pass or anything like that. If you recall, each of the games within MCC on PC will release one by one over time - the team is viewing the period for each release as a 'season.' So 'season one' (or whatever it's ultimately called) will be when Reach is released up through the release of Halo: CE, which starts a new season, etc..
Absolutely no reason crossplay shouldn't be optional for everyone on whatever platform (assuming they put it in). Sometimes people don't want to play against other platforms and that's completely fair.
if crossplay were to come to MCC, I'm fairly certain it would be an opt-in scenario - at least that's how it's been discussed around the studio.
You might wanna fix that Uny
Darn. Fixed it!