
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

17 Feb


Patch 25.4.1 is a hotfix server-side patch, launching today with the following updates:

Battlegrounds Updates

The following heroes now have less Armor:

  • Fungalmancer Flurgl, Heistbaron Togwaggle, Lich Baz’hial, Patches the Pirate, and Varden Dawngrasp have been moved to Armor Tier 1 (0 Armor).
  • Ambassador Faelin and Sylvanas Windrunner have been moved to Armor Tier 2 (2-5 Armor).

The following heroes now have more Armor:

  • Elise Starseeker and George the Fallen have been moved to Armor Tier 2 (2-5 Armor).
  • Galakrond and Teron Gorefiend have been moved to Armor Tier 3 (3-6 Armor).
  • Greybough has been moved to Armor Tier 4 (4-7 Armor).
  • Dinotamer Brann and Tess Greymane have been moved to Armor Tier 5 (5-8 Armor).
  • Lord Jaraxxus has been moved to Armor Tier 6 (6-9 Armor).
  • Illidan Stormrage and Sindragosa have been moved to Armor Tier 7 (7-10 Armor).


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16 Feb

15 Feb


Originally posted by HS_Celestalon

EDIT UPDATE: This should now be fixed.

A lot of incorrect assumptions going on in here. Some clarifications:

- The traditional tutorial being replayable is an intended new feature, as noted in the patch notes.

- It's unintended that it re-starts the new player quests for some users.

- It's also unintended that parts of these quests are broken (and even break other things) when you've already completed them.

We're working on getting these fixed ASAP. We have a possible fix that we're testing now and hope to roll out soon, that shouldn't require any new patch, if all goes well.

This should now be fixed.


Originally posted by songforsaturday88

so you are saying its a coincidence that any time there is a bug that allows free stuff for players there seems to be an immediate response from Blizzard that coincidentally stops the free things? Sure, Jan.

I`d actually respect the devs more if they came out and said "we didn't intent for you to get this free stuff so we`ve stopped it" rather than blatantly lying every single time.

We didn't intend for you to get this free stuff, so we're stopping it. That should be pretty reasonable; we'd rather intentionally grant free things like through events and such, than accidentally through bugs. Obviously, the more egregious the error, the more we're going to prioritize fixing it.

But the compounding issue here that warrants a really high priority is because it's literally breaking player progress. That's a big deal.

We fix all kinds of bugs all the time. Some take a patch, some a hotfix, some all server side. It's understandable to notice the ones in your favor more.


Originally posted by VirgoFanboi

Celestalon, the issue a lot of people are having is that Devs seem very quick to fix things if players are getting even a small something for free due to a bug, but not as quick other times.

That's just not true. We fix things as fast as we can, and the few extra packs here aren't the big problem. The big problem is that it's actually breaking a bunch of things when you're in these bugged states.


Originally posted by C418_Tadokiari_22

Are you going to allow players who got the questline to finish it? Or do you plan to simply remove it from any account who shouldn't have gotten it? I understand that the questline itself buggs other things also

Any packs you have gotten will not be removed. Fixing this will likely remove any broken parts from your log (because that's the way to fix it, the game doesn't support completing quest chains like this multiple times, and implementing that isn't even possible in this timeline).

14 Feb


EDIT UPDATE: This should now be fixed.

A lot of incorrect assumptions going on in here. Some clarifications:

- The traditional tutorial being replayable is an intended new feature, as noted in the patch notes.

- It's unintended that it re-starts the new player quests for some users.

- It's also unintended that parts of these quests are broken (and even break other things) when you've already completed them.

We're working on getting these fixed ASAP. We have a possible fix that we're testing now and hope to roll out soon, that shouldn't require any new patch, if all goes well.


Hello all,

Patch 25.4 is now live, bringing the Return to Naxxramas Mini-Set, the Mercenaries Mythic Boss Rush, and more! Follow this post for details on known issues being tracked with this patch.

The issues we’re tracking this patch include:

  • Test Subject is temporarily banned due to an unintended interaction in Wild. The card will be un-banned when an adjustment is made.
  • Diamond Zephrys can be found in-game, but the card is not ready yet and is not available.
  • From De Other Side’s art is not showing correctly.
  • In Mercenaries, Old God corruption has reached their Diamond animations, which now aren’t displaying properly.
  • [Resolved 2/14] In Mercenaries, the team is aware that a non-Mercenary card back is appearing in Mercenaries Packs. This is not intended. Mercenaries pack opening has been re-enable. The issue with the packs has been resolved. Affected players received 2 Mercenaries Packs...
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13 Feb

.blog-detail .gallery figure { width: 100%; max-width: calc((100% / 3) - 6px); } @media screen and (max-width: 600px){ .blog-detail .gallery { justify-content: center; } .blog-detail .gallery figure { width: 100%; max-width: 250px; } .blog-detail h4 { text-align: center; } }

Return to Naxxramas on February 14

Reinforcements are on their way to the Battle for Silvermoon in the March of the Lich King Mini-Set: Return to Naxxramas! A new Location, a new Colossal minion, several new Dual-Type minions, and more can be found in this Mini-Set of 38 all-new cards to add to your collection. Get them in March of the Lich King packs, or as a complete 72-card* Mini-Set. Get the normal version in-game for 1500 Runestones or 2000 Gold, or get the all-Golden version for $69.99 or 10,000 Gold. The all-Golden version comes with a bonus Diamond copy of the Thaddius...

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