Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm Dev Tracker

16 Jun


Hey Zeal,

Just for the sake of having as much information as possible, could you possibly let me know which maps you saw (or rather DIDN’T see) the rain and fog, I’d greatly appreciate it!


Hey CaptainWedge,

If you wouldn’t mind, could you please forward me that replay using the Bug Attachment Guidelines

It will be a massive help in researching exactly what happened in your game!



Hey Zeal,

I’ll look into this, I believe the visual is missing on PTR. Thanks for the report!


Consider them contacted!

Thanks Sharkbait!


Hey there Starfishbzdf,

Thanks for the report, I’ll check this out!


Hey everyone!

In addition to your system specs, if you could call out what Map you were having the frame drops on, it would be greatly helpful!


Thanks Mercy,

For extra help, would you mind forwarding the replay along using the Bug Attachment Guidelines

This way I can be super sure I’ll be able to reproduce the issue!

15 Jun


Thanks again Ectar!

I’ll add it to my list :slight_smile:


Thanks for this report!

I’ll take a look into it right now.


Hey there,

Let’s take a look at your system, see what I can see so I can pass it along to our engineers.

Please include the system’s DxDiag file . Copy and paste the text file created and paste it between two ~~~ like so:


Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting until the week of June 22, PDT. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.

Quick Navigation:

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14 Jun

13 Jun

12 Jun


Hey there!

Thanks for the detailed report, it is a massive help! I will look into that


05 Jun


Thanks for the report, I let QA know.

03 Jun

Heroes of the Storm has just been updated with Hero balance changes! Read on for details.

Quick Navigation:


  • A Call For Help - Balance Update
    • Tower, Fort, and Keep damage to ...
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01 Jun

    BlizzKGu on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello SigylVanz, thanks for the questions.

Yes, it is intended they remain in the Hall of Storms until a player pings them to follow. They will attempt to return to the Hall of Storms if they are no longer following a player.

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Hey there!

We have some people looking into this now.

What would be a massive help, is if you all could forward us along your GameLogs folder. You can find your GameLogs folder in your Heroes of the Storm folder, usually located in My Documents. It’ll be somewhere like this C:\Users\$USERNAME\Documents\Heroes of the Storm.

UPDATE: Also, if you could attach the replay for the game as well in the email, that would also be a big help!

You can send that directly to me following the information and email address on this thread. ...

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