Hunt: Showdown

Hunt: Showdown Dev Tracker

11 Mar

08 Mar


Version: v0.573
SteambuildID: 3628152
Client patch size: ~270MB

  • Reduced the pitch of footsteps on solid wood

  • Fixed an issue where options in the menu were set as console options instead of pc options
  • Fixed an issue that caused recruitment screen hunters to have no health bars after playing a mission
  • Fixed an error where account linking reward were referred to Dollars instead of Bounty
  • Imp...
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The Test servers will be taken offline for maintenance at 13:00 CET.
Make sure to extract before then to avoid losing your hunter!

~The Hunt Team

07 Mar

05 Mar


Version: v0.568
SteambuildID: 3618005
Client patch size: ~370 MB

  • Grunts / Armoreds are no longer pushed back by melee attacks
  • Grunts / Armoreds are aligned to movement when running around corners
  • Immolator is now more resistant to compact bullets and shotguns
  • Immolator deals more melee damage

  • Fixed an issue where after the holding action was completed, holding the left mouse button led to an accidental shot.
  • After using the last charge of the Medkit now, the Hunter's primary weapon gets automat...
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04 Mar



The Test servers will go down for maintenance at 12:10 PM CEST.

Make sure to extract before that time in order to save your Hunter!

~The Hunt Team

28 Feb

Version: v0.562
SteambuildID: 3607708
Client patch size: ~45 MB

We have deployed a small client side patch to fix an issue that occurred when using any scoped weapon variants or the spy-glass tool.


Version: v0.562
SteambuildID: 3602173
Client patch size: ~360 MB

A recent version of the Live Server database was copied to the Test Server, we made the following changes:
  • Players with an account on the Live servers are now set to (minimum) Rank 70
  • Players that have prestiged at least once are set to Rank 100
  • Money is set to $3000
  • Owned ar...
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The test servers will go down for maintenance at 10:00 AM CET.

Thanks to your participation we have identified the issue with the backend and verified a fix.

The Test servers will be back later today, and will most likely stay online for a longer time period!

~The Hunt Team

27 Feb


Version: v0.561
SteambuildID: 3599455
Client patch size: ~500 MB

Balance Changes
  • Adjusted the unlock Ranks of the First Aid Kit and Resilience trait.
    • First Aid Kit now unlocks at Rank 1
    • Resilience Trait now unlocks at Rank 9

  • Tentatively fixed the backend issues with update 5.0 (backend servers are over consuming CPU, making them unresponsive). We will continue to monitor the situation and...
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26 Feb


We're seeing some issues with Update 5.0 and need some time to resolve them. We're sorry for the inconvenience and will make sure to bring the Test Servers back online as soon as possible!

Version: v0.559
SteambuildID: 3590589
Client patch size: ~200 MB

Hello Hunters,

For the first hotfix of Update 5.0 we bring a few bugfixes. We are still investigating the issues which occurred last Friday when we launched Update 5.0 on the Test Server.
We'd like to thank the community for helping us reproduce these issues, but they're still not 100% resolved. There might come a time when we interrupt the Test Server again if the problems re-occur. We are closely monitoring and would attempt to debug it as soon as we see the problem.

  • Fixed an issue where the name and ready status didn't get displayed for the random team partner in Contract ...
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Hi Hunters,

The Test Server has returned so that we can further investigate an issue caused by Update 5.0. It will be available now (2:30PM CET) for about 1 hour. Quickplay will be unavailable on the EU servers, so please flood the servers as much as you can and let's see if we can break Hunt test again, good luck!

Please keep in mind there might still be some issues and some hunters might not be able to experience a full match.

Happy hunting!

22 Feb

21 Feb

14 Feb

10 Feb


Glad it improved things for you! - it would be great if you could fill out the performance survey (stickied at the top of the page)


We appreciate your patience and support :)