Original Post — Direct link
The "n Players/Squads Remaining announcement is heard at least twice, often 3 times, especially noticeable when there are "20 Squads Remaining" in the Squad Crown Rush mode
over 4 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
Hi dom_137_duh and Salt_Fist! Would you say that this occurs during every match, or have you only noticed it once or twice? Also, if this is a more frequent issue, please try and grab some video for the team!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by dom_137_duh
I noticed this happening every game
I'll try to capture some footage of this for you when I get a chance

Thank you for offering to grab some footage for us. I've just received word that we were able to reproduce this issue and we are working on a fix

A video is no longer required but thank you very much!

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