League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 May


Originally posted by SeaChangi

I was in doubt that this was really about LGBT issues until I saw this post, and then I freaked the f**k out (in happiness). Thank you so much for making this small but meaningful event, it means a lot in a game that can be full of negativity.



Originally posted by [deleted]

Companies are just abusing gay propaganda to get PR points=) they dont give a f**k about gay people

Howdy Kotez43,

I do agree with you, a lot of times, people use events like these to get PR points.

In this case, some of us (Rioters), pitched the idea internally, because we are Gaymers and we thought doing something in the game, accessible to every player, could have a real meaningful impact. The idea was well received and the rest is history.

Hope you appreciate it :)

10 May


Originally posted by azareus92

Do the chroma, but only make it 50 varying shades of grey.

I have that chroma for my screen every time I die.

09 May


Garen? Weak? I mean he does push up in full armour, and have you seen them shoulders?

My bet's Nunu. He just rides a yeti all day, and throws snowballs. They're not even fast!

08 May


Originally posted by xFlandre

Someone doesn't like ADCs ..

I have no idea what you're talking about! ADCs are like 15-20 minions all bundled together.

So much more to love/stab


Ivern bush + Rengar --> their ADC
Ivern bush + Kha'Zix with R evolve --> their ADC
Camille + Trundle pillar --> their ADC
Anivia wall + Vayne E --> their ADC
Zilean bomb on a minion + Syndra toss/push --> their ADC
Malphite + Ori ball --> their ADC
Sion ult + ulting Shen --> their ADC
Kayle ult + Yi ult --> their ADC
Kalista ult + Yasuo --> their ADC
Illaoi E + Brand ult --> their ADC (+ their soul)

07 May


Originally posted by Felixphaeton

I know someone who bound camera movement to WASD and skills to 1234

I use SZXC, H is my stop key and then I use the rest of the keys as normal. Feels like I have way more control over the camera with these bindings.

03 May

02 May


Originally posted by Liq-

Thanks for the nice words.

It should also be inspiring for people out there to know that you don't have to be good at league of legends to join Riot.

I am Gold, have some respect!!!


Head of "Esports" :D

(This is our welcome roast.)


Originally posted by DianaIsMyWife


It stands for Germany (D), Austria (A) and Switzerland (CH).


Originally posted by S04_UPSET_FANBOY

not too sure if I understand this correctly.

He will be developping the german league scene?

Yes, he will be working on the national/regional level and develop the scene in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. I hope we can share more details with you all very soon. :)

27 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]

Wait, is there a tool to check the synergies of a champion?

yes, it's back up and running now!


Originally posted by C9Brave

This is an amazing undertaking that you guys put together! I enjoyed comparing my mains and seeing which champions in which roles synergize the most. It definitely had some surprises and some reinforcements.

thanks a bunch! yeah lots of surprises for us too. and the first thing everybody did when they heard about this was plug in their main, so i'm really glad we were able to include that ability

25 Apr


Originally posted by inthecure

I feel like improved new player experience is one of the most important features for League's longevity. Historically, MOBAs have always had a stiff barrier of entry, and LoL certainly didn't help with its wealth of outdated features. Hopefully, Riot will devote enough resources to fixing this.

it's hard to get your friend in, you know?


Originally posted by The2andy4UG

these changes are actually super interesting, would love to see more information about it

We wrote a dev blog with some more information about some of our ranked thoughts here, but we'll also be checking back in with updates throughout the year.

14 Apr


Originally posted by TopTierTopLane

Okay, good info. So if I'm running a Ryzen 3 1200, it'd be normal to see all my cores around 50%? And if I went to say, an R5 1600, it'd look something like 33% on all cores, disregarding the slightly faster speed?

Regardless, it sounds like faster cores are determinant of FPS currently, regardless of how few cores there are. Is that correct?

Yup. That's pretty much it. As long as you have at least 2 cores, running 4 hyperthreads, CPU speed is the determinant factor. At the moment.


Originally posted by TopTierTopLane

These all sound like legitimate barriers, but why did league previously hit high framerates on systems far weaker than the ones struggling to push 144 capped now? If it's graphical, I think I speak for a lot of the community when I say not worth. I suspect it's more complex though?

There is a lot more stuff in League now - not just graphical. We're dealing with entirely new systems - new abilities require new code and data. If you could run an old version of League you'd see the difference. It's come a long way.

13 Apr


Originally posted by TopTierTopLane

You're correct, it's probably not on your end. Try installing MSI afterburner and toggle the on screen display to show GPU and CPU usage (make sure to show CPU usage on a core-by-core basis). You'll probably notice that nothing is at 100%, yet you're not able to hit an fps cap. That isn't supposed to happen.

Support is another big issue, I changed my CPU because they told me they had issues with my old CPU and didn't know when they fixed it- I waited over a year and they never did, so I figured they never would. Spent $300 upgrading my CPU, mobo, and RAM to find that there's a new issue and it plagues everyone. Figured since it effected more people they'd actually fix it, and well, you see what's going on. I submitted a ticket asking specifically if League had an issue with it, but it took almost a week of submitting logs etc before they'd just tell me that there was an issue on their end.

You'll probably notice that nothing is at 100%, yet you're not able to hit an fps cap. That isn't supposed to happen.

Yeah, it is. A single thread doesn't lock to a single core - it will run on whatever core the system deems appropriate. If you run a single thread flat out, constantly, it will not use up one Core 100%, it will spread across all the available cores. If you have 8 cores, you'll see 12.5% utilisation.

I think the underlying concern here is that League isn't "Multi-threaded" enough. That we should be able to use 100% of all the available cores to maintain 144fps. And that is a fair concern - League does run on multiple threads and also uses multiple threads indirectly, but the core gameplay is mainly run on a single thread.

Now, one of the issues with multi threading is that it can increase latency - we're doing more at once, but all those things that are happening at once cannot be dependent on each other. We can't ...

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Originally posted by _AN0N_

Yea, my fps has been declining with almost every patch since january. After 20 mins in a game my FPS is dropping to around 100-110 which feels awful on a 144hz monitor.

I thought it was something wrong with my computer but I play fortnite on 144fps (capped), Overwatch on 200+ fps and R6S on 144fps (capped). League shouldn't be more demanding than these games right?

I contacted the support asking about this and they just told me to install League on my C: drive.. it didn't change anything.

Hi, I'm Tony and I'm a Rioter and I care about your FPS.

This is something we are working on and will continue to. We are constantly improving and updating League and a side effect of that is that things slow down as more things get added to the game. As we detect these slowdowns (ideally we catch these problems before they go live), we fix them, but sometimes the changes are so small, no one notices them. And when we have 100s of changes going in and some of them are imperceptibly slower, we can end up with a noticeable slow down with no obvious cause. It's death by a thousand paper cuts. These are hard to fix. All we can do is look at the performance of the game and look at the slowest parts, then try and optimise them. And we've already fixed all the low hanging fruit.

To optimise something, we first need to measure it. We've been sneakily adding in a lot of new performance measuring capabilities into the LIVE game so that we can accurately measure the performa...

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