League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Jun


Originally posted by faladu

wouldn't it have been possible to use one of the old observer spells that reveal the whole map to clear the particles?

I'm not sure if that tool exists, but more importantly at the time of the crash we didn't actually know what was causing problems. If something like that did exist (and we understood the crash) this would have prevented it from happening.

In fact, when I was doing some testing on the fix and tracking cpu usage, I would spam spell sin fountain, see the server begin to slow down, then cast hawk shot with ashe and see the server improve

20 Jun

08 Jun


Originally posted by levetrix

click ... Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter

I went full cookie clicker on this. Really digging the Gir poro.

06 Jun


But if you get rid of all the bronze people on Reddit how will we talk to you


Originally posted by Rising_Swell

I used to main Veigar to the point where despite having played him like 5 times this year, he is still my highest mastery champion. The last time I went to play him, he got banned twice and the enemy picked him 3 times. What. The. f**k.

funny, veigar is the champ i ban that gets picked the second I don't

05 Jun


Originally posted by ehmayex

it even happens from time to time, that german patch notes and english ones differ from each other

Yeah, it shouldn't happen, but obviously they are getting submitted for localization a couple of days in advance, and sometimes a change is reverted or taken out at the last minute, but it isn't reported to the loc team. In such cases you sometimes have a previous version, but we try to keep track as good as we can to avoid it.


Originally posted by Naerlyn

I'll hijack that comment to tackle a similar problem, regarding hotfixes.

NA version of the 8.1 patch notes: Correct info, first hotfix on the 31st of May and second one on the 1st of June.

English EU version of the patch notes: First hotfix on the 1st of June (surely correct as well due to timezones), second hotfix on the... 1st of July??

French version of the patch notes: First hotfix on the 31st of May. And that's it. The French patch notes never mention another hotfix. So if you play browse with the site in French (which is the default if you're French), you have no way to know about that second hotfix which contains five huge champion/item changes.


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Hey Naerlyn, I'll pass that on. Unfortunately hotfixes are always a pain for localization, because they are often coming in "hot", and during a time when our localization team isn't working. However it should be usually updated the next day.

04 Jun


Hey! Thanks for bringing that up for attention. Now I have a reason I can state why I'm still in silver after so many years.

But yeah, that shouldn't happen. Usually numbers and stuff is pulled directly from a database, so we don't have to change it everytime we change numbers. All the buffs and nerfs every second week... It looks like in this case there is a stray %. Usually we would write it 20% in German, here it is shown as 20 %.

01 Jun


Originally posted by witheredj8

Im pretty sure

but I can't be sure.

does this make you more or less sure

also I'm not a tech person, but I'll talk to some tech people who are much smarter than me and see if there are any new updates

31 May


Originally posted by Simetraa

But to which charity the money will go?

We'll be announcing the full list when we get closer to launch. Still ironing out a few details until then!

26 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


Exactly, we've announced yesterday night that we can't run Clash on EUW or EUNE. :(


Originally posted by AdinDoesGaming

Is trading disabled in urf?

It shouldn't, so it might be a bug. We're looking into it, but obviously not sure if it is fixable. :(


Originally posted by JrpgGamer

9 minutes they said the same thing for NA. Don't have access to my comp to check right now, but I'm excited for some URF even if it's ARURF (I hope they kept the mark summoner spell)

It should be active on NA as well!

25 May


Originally posted by Coconut_Biscuits

There's some interesting spec choices you could have to make. For instance, Vastaya have to choose an animal direction, or Yordles must choose their idealized fantasy.

Can you explain the Yordle concept a bit more, I don't quite understand what you meant by it but might look into doing something like that once I understand it better.

Here is a base Yordle concept currently: http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/ryaQWtEkm

I'm not exactly how we frame this officially and the lore team may be working on a deeper explanation, but thinking has been that yordles latch onto some idealized/exaggerated persona of the world. With that persona they try to embody all aspects of it and center their identity around it.


  • Teemo = Scout
  • Tristana = Paladin
  • Heimerdinger = Mechanic
  • Kennen = Ninja

So for players, you basically say they have to dive into a persona and role play as it. Any kind of checks then they could receive a negative if it's outside something their persona would do.

24 May


Originally posted by supergoji18

Humans, Vastaya, and Yordles are the races I would allow as core races.

Everything else would be either a template (Iceborn), NPC/Monster (Darkin and Voidborn), or be a class (Aspects as really powerful clerics or paladins).

Oooo - I'm a big fan of this direction personally.

There's some interesting spec choices you could have to make. For instance, Vastaya have to choose an animal direction, or Yordles must choose their idealized fantasy.

Everything else feel like classes of various scales.

23 May


Originally posted by RCrower

Hey guys. Hijacking this for visibility... I am on the road right now but, I am 99% sure this is a typo and not an intended change. I am confirming now with the team and will update ASAP

Ok so.. yeah 17:00 not cool or intended ! Apologies for the panic moment.. we let the right people know and are fixing the schedule already.


Originally posted by MartDiamond

Why the hour earlier? Friday at 5 people will still be travelling home and miss the entire pregame and first game.

Hey guys. Hijacking this for visibility... I am on the road right now but, I am 99% sure this is a typo and not an intended change. I am confirming now with the team and will update ASAP

22 May


Originally posted by Detrilo

Its interesting how you thought that back then and how much times have changed, arguably now, F2P games are the best games to play. Even though its F2P you get hooked on it and spend way over the amount you would for a standard £30/40 game. I think i've spent around £400-£500 on League since Season 2 haha

Yea perception around F2P games definitely changed in the last few years. Back in the day, it was hard to find a f2p game that wasn't pay to win. Thanks for your support :)


A lot of old timers here :) Started playing in 2011, I believe that was season 2. My friends invited me to a premade as my very first game of League. I remember my initial reaction being along the lines of: "Are you guys really going to play a f2p game?" Here we are 7 years later.