Will you fight for the Council, the United, the Faceless, or the Warband?
@sonwooang: Battle Academia Ezreal
@MokuKumoMoku @Rovient Should be fixed in 9.10 hopefully
@PBiraki Likely on the weak side. If performance doesn't pick up a decent amount by this time tomorrow, we'll consider micropatch buffing him.
@RiotPhreak Yes and im nine and three quarters 😁
🔔 🔔 🔔 Follow the link for full Patch 9.9 Notes
Current Vayne. Might not be the one that makes it to PBE today if it didn't make the deadline in time. Also keep in mind Rageblade is tentatively nerfed.
It's possible those missed the deadline since that happens very early in the morning, so if it doesn't look like that today, that's what it tentatively is planned to look like tomorrow :)
Riven changes going to PBE today since a few have asked:
"Where to now, Book?" 😺
Join @Starsmitten_ as she learns to play Yuumi while a Riot dev answers questions about the magical cat!
@HeyLatlak Removed completely is the tentative plan
@Keonevirsito I think something will show up for her on PBE today.
@i0ki_LoL We'll be watching his performance closely.
PBE Preview: Battle Academia
@jik_osu Adding that one in as well. Thanks for the suggestion.
@Spideraxe30 I believe that whole process won't be concluded until more like early June.
Also looking to see if we can do a little Zyra plant adjustment where the plant will no longer take damage from most basic attack effects that don't proc on-hits (e.g. MF passive and Corki passive)
Assuming 9.10 PBE goes out tomorrow, here's what will be on it for Master Yi. A little less nerf/change heavy than last Friday showed since I think we're leaning toward the Rageblade nerf as well.
@Spideraxe30 Probably can't explain the specifics well in a Tweet. I think we're doing a post on it sometime this spring or summer though.