League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

09 May


Kogmaw overall has higher winrate than Taliyah, but you never mentioned which skill bracket you exist in. I would imagine Taliyah would be a good pick if you like influencing games heavily from minute 1, and Kog'Maw would be a good pick if you enjoy closing out games yourself.


Dodging games doesn't change your MMR at all, so artificially lowering your rank by dodging does not actually change your position on the ladder in the long run. Certainly not recommended.


Try to give yourself a break for a week or more. You'll be able to reset your mental and really evaluate whether you miss League enough to come back and grind again. You should always value your own mental health over climbing the ranked ladder.


Originally posted by egzfakitty

Financial institutions catering to private funds, previously for high-ish profile political figures (mid-level on the Warren for Senate team).

My post history is not indicative of my real life personality :)

This sub would be blown away how effective groups like the Hedge Clippers are at affecting change through what is, in essence, the real-world version of complain-posting.

Oh, cool, thanks for sharing that. To your point, I think performative anger via institutions like this subreddit creates leverage which (sometimes) leads to change. I wrote a post analyzing the cycle this creates which you might find interesting: https://medium.com/@RKRigney/the-3-phases-of-any-online-reaction-to-a-video-game-company-screwup-ed41082a5d10


Originally posted by egzfakitty

One comms person to another - care to explain to this sub that public pressure and repeated outcries help move the needle?

It's mind blowing to me how often you see posts on this sub asking for an end to "whining" posts that are the only effective way this community has to push for change.

Would love to know what you do comms for.


Originally posted by CSDragon

As we near the mid-season update, how did this go?

Ah sh*t... Called out.

Decent amount of support but no room to work on it right now. We're all stretched very thin and there's lots of other projects in the works (like fixing the client).

Honestly, thank you for following up and I'm sorry I don't have better news for you.

08 May


Originally posted by palomani

Can you stop communicating and actually ship improvements ?

...personally? No.


Originally posted by anghellous

Makes you think about how long it would've taken for us to get a proper response from them had Voyboy not made his initial video.

The things we're talking about today have been in the works for a while. Riot is just made up of people, though, and speaking for myself, I found the Voyboy video to be incredibly moving.


Originally posted by ParMonty

How many times in the last few years have Riot employees been trying to “win back trust” lmao

Countless times. And anyone who has ever worked on a game knows that the chance to fix your own f*ckup is one of the most satisfying experiences you can have.


Originally posted by IIHURRlCANEII

After the client stuff I'm sure you know that many people will be skeptical until it's 6 months from now and you delivered on both of those points.

Hopefully it goes better this time.

Previous client comms weren't handled well, and as Comms Lead that's my fault and it's my responsibility to correct it.

For that reason, Client Cleanup posts are also on a predictable schedule now: every two months instead of monthly (because we want each update to be meaty.)

First one (from March): https://euw.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/introducing-the-client-cleanup-campaign/

Second one (from a week ago): ...

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Originally posted by Resident_Wing

You guys penalize on what the system can detect given whatever you've given it. The problem is once people see it and realize what it's looking for it's EXTREMELY easy to play around it. One thing I've seen more and more of nowadays is people AFKing in base, walking out for a min or two to attack/damage minions or champs, then going back. And they do this for 10, 15 + mins and don't get a "leaver" status for it. Seems like most anything that an automated system detects can be learned and avoided - which is why so much less hard flaming exists now and people instead soft int, troll, grief, etc.

Agreed, our detection needs to be improved. As per the original post that's our next project of focus.


Originally posted by ValCip

Meddler what do you think of Yorick's current state?

I think this is so not the thread for balance questions.


Originally posted by PatentMTG

Have you guys considered hiring/consulting with psychologists on player behavior? I'm sure you could probably find some in academia that would be interested in helping you look at the issue from a different perspective. Just an idea.

I would really like you to consider short term/temporary bans from things like just ranked queues. Say someone is "auto detected" by a new system instead of jumping to a multi-day ban immediately, issue some kind of warning message and disable their ability to Queue into Summoner's Rift for a day then next maybe 3 days. It would be good if you included in these ban messages more than just how naughty these players are being.

Including in these messages something like statistics on players that keep positive attitude increasing rank and winning more games (because they are out there many of us have seen them). Encouragement to reform could also be effective is what I am saying.

Thank you very much for addressing this directly, ...

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Yes, we've got people from psychology backgrounds on the Player Dynamics team.

We've discussed bans from Ranked queues as a tactic. From a Ranked player perspective it feels good, comes at the expense of players of Normal games though whose game quality is likely to drop as penalized players get moved there. We'd like to take different approaches to penalties as a result.