Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

21 Dec

20 Dec

18 Dec


Originally posted by Night25th

Mystic Shot on your own unit doesn't consume the Spellshield, what they mean is if your unit dies the enemy Cataclysm fizzles but if your unit has Spellshield the enemy Cataclysm still starts a free attack but it doesn't challenge anything

Oh whoops, missed the "your own unit part" - you're right, it'll never consume Spellshield in that case (but also doesn't "fizzle").

Cataclysm starting a free attack without challenging a Spellshielded unit (but consuming the Spellshield) is intended functionality.

17 Dec


I love it!


Originally posted by Hi_Im_zack

It should no? It does fizzle when you Mystic Shot your own unit

"Fizzling" is actually when the spell doesn't fire at all - I believe in this case, Mystic Shot should still go off (because it does do something - it consumes the Spellshield).

If you had a spell listener of some kind, like "Grant me +1|+1 when you cast a spell", it should activate off of this scenario (whereas if the spell fizzled, it would not).

16 Dec


I approve of this message

15 Dec

14 Dec


Originally posted by groupheal

How about the Eye shows a question mark over cards that will have a random effect? It still shows what could happen, but a question mark appearing over the nexus or a card means what you see may not be what you get.

That is a clever idea! I don't have a lot of context on what our UX designers have / haven't considered, but I'll mention it to them :)


Originally posted by Alnath

I believe that the eye tends to remain closed when random effects are involved. In this case, wouldn't the fact that it remained open be a bug, despite its inability to ascertain the end result?

While generally this is true, in some rare cases (The Arsenal, Pantheon) where we would have to disable Oracle's Eye a lot, we leave the Eye open despite having a random effect (which still isn't shown). It is a tough design decision without an ideal solution, but that is what is happening here.