Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

01 Jul

30 Jun


This change was not intended; it's a bug. We will be fixing the bug soon.


This is from the new prologue road. We wanted to ensure that new players had an impactful prismatic choice that was in one of their starter decks, and we didn't want to leave our existing players out of the fun. :)


Originally posted by The_Gbps

Type of Bug: Crash

What happened that seemed like a bug: The game just stop responding right on the loading match screen, basically everytime.

What was Expected to occur: Load the match


Region: BR

Hey u/The_Gbps, which game mode (Ranked, Vs AI, Lab of Legends, other) were you playing when you saw this happen? Has it continued to happen, even if you try other game modes?


If you are at your current deck limit, then you'll get all the cards, but not the decks.


Originally posted by EuWestSmurf

Thanks you for the quick response and loving the new patch so far!

Thank *you* for letting us know when we #?$@ something up. Seriously invaluable. :)


Originally posted by QT-03

I first tried playing the new champs in the lab of legends, but I tried playing AI games and it also crashed. I tried using the mobile version and after I did that the PC version stopped crashing somehow.

Hmm, very odd. Thank you for the additional information! If you see the issue come back again let us know please.


Originally posted by EuWestSmurf

Maybe /u/riotexis can have a look at it?

Whelp, this sure does look broken yep. We'll take a look!


Originally posted by Deathmon44

Seems fixed now (just did a run)! Thanks for the help and the follow up!



Originally posted by QT-03

Type of Bug: Crash

What happened that seemed like a bug: Every match I start, freezes at the loading portion of matchmaking.

What was expected to occur: Load into the game.

Happens Everytime. Tried restarting and it still crashes.


Region: US

Hey u/QT-03, what mode are you playing when this happens to you? Ranked, Vs AI, Lab of Legends, something else? And if you try a different mode than the one you're trying right now, does it still happen?


Originally posted by Deathmon44

Hey, (not sure that this matters not since the update happened but here’s more info for you!) I was on mobile and still lost the bottom row. Don’t know if it’s because I was doing an Aphelios run, but I could only access the newest row and the Aphelios row

Hey u/Deathmom44, that sounds okay; just let me know if you end up in a state where you can see the newest-new champs that were added today (Ekko, Pyke, and co.) and still can't access that bottom row.

Once you have the new champs you should also have the bottom row restored.

29 Jun


Originally posted by ACarelessWhisperer

This is a supes well thought out and written post, and I'm excited to hear about all the cool decks you're already brewing!

I also wanted you to know that I will now forever refer to him as Doggy D in every situation I can get away with. Thank you for this most bountiful gift.

I can confirm that /u/ACarelessWhisperer is already calling me Doggy D in multiple conversations.

Thanks for the positivity, /u/NoFurtherObligations. I'm excited to see what you brew up!



Hey u/DO__SOMETHING, are you able to play with 10 champions right now and you're missing the last row, or are you missing more than that?
We know the last row of champs have taken a brief break; they'll be back tomorrow along with some new champions from the new card release! But if you're missing more than 5 champs that's a surprise.