Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

30 Sep


Originally posted by CaptSarah

I think the main question is more along the lines of, wouldn't those bugs still exist and therefore need to be fixed because of the eternal format?

This just means the bugs are of less quantity specifically in the standard format, but it feels strange for rotations to use the reasoning that it presents less bugs, when those bugs will exist regardless due to the eternal format.

That leads to a lot of us fearing that the eternal format is expected to be more of an afterthought, and bugs addressed less frequently there. Or that we should expect a large spike of bugs and issues in the eternal format essentially on every release due to a heavier focus exclusively on standard.

Yes, the bugs would still exist. That’s why I keep saying rotation doesn’t eliminate the need to address bugs. This is a list of the many reasons the game gets more time consuming to manage over time (which is why rotation wasn’t needed at the beginning but is very valuable now).

New cards being added introduces a bunch of challenges that make the game take more time to develop. Rotation makes some of those issues easier, giving us more bandwidth to manage the others that it does not make easier.

It’s all the same team, as the time we spend managing bugs increases we have less time to do other things. Rotation reduces the time it takes to do some of the other things (not bugs).


Originally posted by Lareyt

I can't follow your analogy because for me it looks like this: I have a kid (Eternal) that is going to school soon, so I know the associated costs will go up beyond what I can sustain. How will having a second baby (Stanard), which has its own, admittedly lower, cost base reduce my overall child raising costs? The only way this is possible, if I decide to abandon my older kid going to school (Eternal), which is a rather cruel analogy, but you started it! :P

Maybe I have a flaw in my logic, so happy to be convinced otherwise, but that is causing the core issue I see a lot of people fearing: Their favourite champion will rotate into an abandoned format.

You, i.e. Riot, wisely decided to tap into the investment done into making champions into characters that players can and want to get attached to for gameplay, presentation, and/or lore reasons, but the downside is that LoR players now care a lot more about champions in LoR than MtG players about certain Planeswalkers ...

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Hmm, not sure how else to explain my comment. I'm just clarifying that rotation isn't supposed to remove the need for bug fixing, bug fixing was just brought up as one of the many increasing costs of development time as more cards are added.


Originally posted by RedShirtKing

I appreciate the insight here, but I'm not sure the analogy fully holds. From a player's perspective, Riot are the ones who are ultimately in charge of maintaining the quality of both the restaurant (Eternal) and home-cooked meals (Rotation). As a player who will only be interested in the Eternal format because that's the only place I will be able play my favorite champion, it is unclear to me how "cutting costs" by focusing more on the meals at home doesn't lead to issues with me continuing to eat my favorite dish at the only restaurant I can still go to.

In this analogy, bug fixing is the diapers - not the restaurant.


Originally posted by TheSkilledRoy

Extremely confused about the line in particular "Playtesting and tech quality/keeping bugs down becomes significantly harder."

How does rotation solve bugs? All it does is offload them onto Eternal formats. And if the goal is to ensure that Eternal will be supported... wont you have to solve those bugs anyways? Or will it just be ignored.

That's a list of stuff that makes the overall game more difficult to manage as more cards are added to the game. Rotation doesn't solve all those bullet points, but the presence of those factors increases the need for tools that make managing the card pool easier overall.

Basically, imagine you have a kid and so you know your expenses are going to go up as a new parent. So you decide to save some money by eating at home more often than going out to dinner. This doesn't make the need to buy diapers disappear, but the cost of diapers is one reason it's important to look for ways to save elsewhere.

Rotation isn't supposed to remove the need for bug fixing, bug fixing was just brought up as one of the many increasing costs of development time as more cards are added.

28 Sep


“For you, it was shoulder day. For me, it was Tuesday.

We are not the same Darius.”


27 Sep

26 Sep

25 Sep


When folks say they're climbing the ladder with Nami, I have no idea how.

She doesn't even have feet.

Is TF using a rope to hoist her?


Originally posted by Cryotivity


What a pointed comment. ;)

24 Sep


Originally posted by Alitaher003




Originally posted by Aerhart941

Let’s not get too crazy now

Dude likes pie


Originally posted by HuntedWolf

This is so weird, I literally watched this exact YouTube video yesterday…

Common misconception, kench’s belly’s gravity just curves spacetime until you remember the future.

Makes scheduling a roadmap tricky.


Originally posted by Rekirts45

How long have you guys be holding those up?



Originally posted by kid20304




Originally posted by HuntedWolf

How would that work with Tough?

Marge: “Now Kench, don’t you eat this pie.”

Basically like that.


For some reason they rejected my Darius finger guns icon pitch :(


Originally posted by KaiSa_Soze_

Inb4 Riot has added him 1 hp and called it a day.

I advocated strongly for giving him +1.14 power.