Hi there – apologize for the late response on this topic, I do not think you are being ignored but I have just traveled to Korea so have been away on planes and in different time zones and am a little bit out of the loop as I catch back up.
Some details on the way tickets are returned are available here: Update to Timed and Ticketed Content Lockouts
Please keep in mind that the current system will only allow for access to be re-granted for players who experience a verified crash or outage issue on the game server side; this will not cover local internet issues or other potential causes of disconnects. Additionally, receiving your replacement weekly entry may not be immediate — delivery could take up to a day, and the appropriate ticket will be delivered to your in-game mailbox when it arrives.
If this is the case and you haven’t received your ticket, please put in a ticket with support so they can look into things! Lost Ark - Support | Amazon Games