about 2 years
ago -
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Heroes of Arkesia,
All Lost Ark servers and regions will be taken offline on Wednesday, November 30th at 12 AM PT / 8 AM UTC / 9 AM CET for our weekly maintenance. Downtime is estimated to last up to 4 hours, and this update will address the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where some photosensitivity warnings were not showing at appropriate times.
- Fixed an issue where the amount of gold sent in some mail was incorrectly showing as a negative number.
- Fixed an issue where some mount names and descriptions were not properly displaying.
- The Reaper Dawn skin will now show the intended glowing effect.
- The Nia Village Wallpaper will no longer be listed as “Rania Village” in the character selection screen.
- Eerie Halloween Skeleton Headwear, Eerie Halloween Clown Headwear, and Eerie Halloween Mummy Headwear will now show properly when equipped to a Female Gunner or Male Martial Artist.
- The Halloween Stronghold Theme sales expiration date in the Stronghold Theme menu is now accurate.
While this weekly update only directly provides fixes for the aforementioned issues, please note that we are still actively working through ongoing issues surrounding in-game disconnects. We will continue to provide updates and changes to these issues as progress is made, regardless of weekly update status or timing.
Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you in Arkesia soon!