Lost Ark

Lost Ark Dev Tracker

26 Apr


We just launched a new one this past week!

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Actually it’s MUCH easier on Discord haha, I’m only this chatty currently because I’m able to be more casual with chats and less ‘statement’ focused now


Definitely not lessening your experience at all! Working with systems like this I fully am aware that no two setups are alike.


Absolutely and any time!! Yeah, the island thing is a huge concern that we’re following.


As long as the rules are followed that everyone agrees to before they can even type, no one is banned due to just feedback.


When it effects millions of accounts and multiple different departments, it does.


I’ll be honest that there was even a moment of confusion within the team with the words server and region being swapped around at first without realizing it. Never was it intentional, just an honest mistake. And then there was confusion by what is possible and not. Then a decision to not do anything BECAUSE of the confusion but now that it’s all talked out, settled and organized (thanks to feedback) we’re now confidently moving forward.

And no problem!! I’m happy to answer! This was all things that we discussed last night in the Discord and were able to gather even more ‘complaints’ of players unable to do new content which we take very seriously.


At this time the only information I have is the team is discussing the pros and cons of region and/or server merges while also looking into the steps that would need to be taken to make it work on the technology side. There are no current timelines or expectations.


Amazon, AGS and AWS are all seperate from each other.


Of course, there was a point of miscommunication too in what was even possible. As region merges and server merges are two completely different things which is why things looked like they bounced around. It wasn’t until more recent that the number of players on the servers became a concern to experience content.


Right… only a couple of months. At this time we were also working on roadmaps, classes, the letter and more. Things this big do not move quickly. No matter how badly anyone wants it to.


Feedback is important for any case in the same way that sure, everyone has their opinons on stuff and alot of it contradicts which people don’t see. But when it becomes focused and allows us to gather metrics and really flesh out a full report, it carries more weight when big decisions like this need to be made.

There are only so many resources on a dev team and it’s hard to prioritize and shift focus or make changes very quickly. Especially with two big brands.


No problem! I understand! We’re just the messengers, not the decision makers and definitely not those that touch code. Could you imagine the mess?


Not at all, Roxx and I were clear in our information that region and server merges would not be happening only a few months ago.


We did! The topic of merges are constantly evolving. If you remember merges were first decided against and that was only a few months ago. Now, due to players feedback, the conversations have reopend and logistics looked into.


Absolutely! We have alot of plans to add, adjust, move, and use threads! Alot of feedback tends to be verys similar in topic so even though with so many talking, its helpful to see which topics are more of a priority to players then others.

The current discord layout is to just currently handle and be able to safely moderate moving everyone there. Lots of of fun plans for the future with it!


Hope to see you all in Discord!!! We’ve already had some great conversations and feedback provided. Also helpful to have more points of view and thoughts in there.


We’ve all been pretty active in Discord! Was gathering some great feedback last night about merges, dailies, and the pacing of the upcoming releases.


We are currently discussing and looking into options with a merge. Absolutely not ignoring anyone, actually had quite a few great conversations about it in Discord last night!