Thank you for all the contributions so far! We'll keep collecting them until we can feature a new sheet for you all!
Thank you for all the contributions so far! We'll keep collecting them until we can feature a new sheet for you all!
Erica, hello!
Thank you so much for introducing the option I proposed - the third Gold Epic - as a reward for completing campaigns. It is very nice. I would be very happy if the acceleration of experience gain and the multiplicative bonus to the chance of triggering probabilistic abilities are also sooner or later implemented in the game!
But it's damn unpleasant that you again tie the passage of campaigns to Enchantment Points. This is stupid! They are not needed anywhere else! The increase in DPS from them is tiny, even if special crusaders with a bonus are taken (Mushroom, Mummy and Halloween demon). Yes, this is part of the game and is useful for squeezing the most out of your DPS! But why bind crusaders with certain Enchantment Points above a certain level? IT'S PASSING!
Thanks for the code!)
Hi dimitrius5naj,
You're welcome: player ideas do make it into the game.
Experience points are already gained in 30 minutes with the max level of the Fast Learners talent. Did you need it quicker, or are you referring to something else?
Is this
the multiplicative bonus to the chance of triggering probabilistic abilities
your request for a different style of the average drop multiplier stat being mentioned again? Or relating to something else?
You're right: aside from missions, Enchantment Points aren't used very much, so gating objectives on them is a use for them. With EP runes equipped on Crusaders sent on EP missions, it can be quick to get Crusaders up to speed as well.
Hi Erika,
Does CNE know how many people own certain sader and if said sader is in an active formation? Could you make a system where the more people have a certain sader in an active formation, the less bonus benefit it applies? If you're using a less popular sader, then the greater bonus effect it would give. If the goal is to try and make more saders useful (and have people buy packs for those saders), then you could try and develop a variety of metas with few saders in common. Perhaps certain saders have a penalty if they're grouped with certain other saders (so the opposite effect of Nate and Natalie). If you posted the population of a certain meta, then people could focus on builds that say focused on leprechauns or animals or robots, since there's more bonus benefit going from a less popular meta at the current time.
Hi VioletHem,
We know what Crusaders players have unlocked. We don't currently track how often they're used in formation, but we could.
It would have to be made pretty clear why an OP Crusader is losing power if we did something like that, but it might be worth investigating to give some lesser-used Crusaders a spotlight. I'll add your idea to our suggestion list to consider.
Thanks for the chest and I hope you all have a great Easter :)
You're welcome. Have a good Easter weekend yourself. :)
Thank you for the code.
About season 4, if the change is an addition to what we already have, then it could be good.
If the change is a replacement, then I am skeptical.
To me, if we keep the current (3) bonuses and add however many bonuses, then the new bonuses could be tailored to the restrictions and hopefully are at least marginally better than the original (3) bonuses. Regardless, a player would be able to chose which bonus on each run.
Any tailoring though, will be difficult given the different formations available. Perhaps the bonuses could be spread over a subset of the 10 formations and that subset could be doubled or tripled, 4 or 5 forms doubled or 3 forms tripled, and however many bonus options (6? from 3 old and 3 new) are spread among the form instances.
You're welcome for the code.
So you're suggesting more than 3 bonuses to choose from for a future season?
The restriction to a subset of Crusaders would be more to allow players to come up with new formations, but players have voiced their opinion on that pretty strongly, so it won't be happening with season 4.
Ugh, I have such superhero burnout, specifically Marvel shit burnout. I know it's too late at this point, but like... Maybe move on to other things to parody.
We won't be r-themeing the existing events, but the Gardeners event lends more to Flora Crusader additions these days over superhero parodies.
Read moreQuick thoughts to share. Even if most of those have already been said previously.
In the last months, the meta has been mostly fixed. No major change, just some small adjustments.We had lots of new crusaders that went out almost as fast as they went in.
None could fit in the meta except for a few hours/days till they have been "updated".Generally, when I start a dungeon run, I first charge Odile for about 1h (2h now because Agent 79's Ricochet Training), then I sprint till area 5,000 for one hour... Then I load my DPS team and let my speed team run for about 8 hours till area 15,000.
Thanks to the Discord community I could learn a bit about the propagation chains and their constant efforts allowed me (and others) to reach area 15,000 "easily" in dungeons runs.
For some players, it is not difficult to reach e3,000 DPS and run to area 15,000. I even reached area 19,000 for fun once, even if it is totally useless and time consuming....
We may look at scaling options to make the dungeons a little shorter.
Thank you for the feedback on the recent Crusaders.
Hello, Erika.
- We want to see revamp of underperformed crusaders after Marzimallow nerf.
- Agent 79's Richochet ability should not be mimicked and propagated.
- Let's hope for UI revamp for crusader missions that would make it easier with roster of crusaders rather than single row.
- Hoping for next 5th tier objectives in Grim's Idle Tales and beyond. I would like to see I Like Potatoes with abilities, speed buffs and legendary item effects disabled for I Like Potatoes 5th tier objective as an example.
- I can't wait for next bunch of 8th tier talents and the future 6th tier talent of active tree will be seen but no concrete plans as of yet and we are not ruling out any ideas.
Thank you for the feedback.
That was just a glitch. If you reload the game it's showing the proper levels again.
Read moreGrag just posted a very good illustration of the power available in the game without marzimallow, if you have the correct GLs. When Marzimallow was released, I thought you were doing a very clever meta reset that breaks you out of the GL dominated propagation pre-mime setups.
As released, Marzimallow certainly did that. We are able to build competitive forms without the huge propagation chains and hence without the complete GL domination.
But you nerfed Marzi to the ground, as it were, and now you are looking to add more power back. If you do this, please do the tests, with the real meta forms, and different amounts of GLs to get a truly competitive crusader. Getting e4000 to e5000 is really not a big deal. You don't need more than e2980 to cap dungeons so everyone is already just hitting 15k and the meta is about getting there as FAST as you can. Odile allowed even newish players to cap dungeons at the cost of stacking for an extra half hour per run.
Thank you for the feedback on Marzi and the dungeons. We'll keep it in mind.
Read moreHi, Erika. Thanks for the chest code.
You mentioned in another reply that you were going to be brainstorming with the team for dungeons Season 4 ideas. If I might make a suggestion: why not get some player feedback as well? I think we'd all be interested to hear what different ideas you have and to provide our opinions about what might work better or might not feel so good, from the standpoint of people who are playing and paying.
One interesting idea I've heard about is difficulty scaling, where the difficulty increase per wave and the subsequent rewards could be adjusted to a variety of levels. Maybe not in a strictly 1:1 sense, but perhaps like a 5% reward boost for a 25% difficulty boost or something like that.
I saw you mentioned only using a subset of crusaders for dungeons in another reply. I'm not so sure this would come off well, as it sort of defeats the purpose of dungeons as an alternative to challenges, which already have limitations like t...
Hi DoctorNovakaine,
You're welcome for the code.
Well, there's seems to have been a lot of feedback on the subset of Crusaders idea, so that was helpful. I may consider doing a quick and dirty survey then.
Read moreI apologize in advance if those sounds more negative than intended, intricacies of text-based communication and whatnot. But that answer brings a couple more questions to mind.
#1, does anyone from the CNE/CoTLI team check the discord? It's widely used by a fairly decent number of players who rapidly test and figure things out (and submit bug reports where they feel necessary), and this particular interaction has been around long enough that it was part of all the "0 DPS" forms used to charge Odile since about a day after Odile was released.
#2, and I know this might be asking to peek too much behind the curtain of game development, but does anyone on the team play the game? It seems like a significant number of crusaders released over the last year have had to be significantly tweaked within days (if not hours) because of unanticipated interactions that could have been caught by play-testing, or lacking that if there's not resources for a robust-enough test en...
1) Kevin did join the discord, but he doesn't do more than lurk really, since he does have to work. Plus discord doesn't really thread well for easy reading.
2) We do play the game, but with all the Crusaders that exist, we generally just test the usual suspects that could cause potential problems with the new Crusaders.
Read moreHi Erika,
Thanks for the code.
I'm sure you'll get a few comments today about Marzi, but here's my contribution.
For a short spell it looked like we had something new to play with, something to get us out of the prop/GL rut that we've been in for some time, but then that was sadly removed from us within a day on some belief that it was to OP. This belief is however unfounded as many can get e5000/e6000 DPS already with what we have, so Marzi was going to make very little difference to people in that respect. Please consider putting it back the way it was and then maybe engage with the community as to ideas as to how to get away from the current meta.
A79, why was she nerfed, if the only reason was to make hippo farming evening longer than that seems a little petty, more so given the nerf of Marzi, which would have given people a chance to reduce/abandon such farming. Please revert back to the way she was.
Can you change the description on Min...
Hi billyjoe99,
You're welcome for the code.
Thank you for the Marzi feedback.
Agent 79 was changed as part of the testing for 5th slot runes.
We can further update the tooltip for Mimic, yes.
We aren't planning on adding more Sprint at this time, but we'll keep the idea in mind.
I'll add your challenge change ideas to the list I collected from a previous Q&A for when I do the challenge update.
Hi Erika,
Have you considered having a set of beta testers who are super active in the community? A lot of games have a small subset of active players they can bounce ideas off of and test new things before they come out. This might help you and the team avoid things like Marzi and Crow before they ever go live to everyone.
We want the game to be as awesome as possible so please bounce your ideas off of us and we will give your our honest feedback.
Hi isawbones,
We don't plan on reviving the player council for Crusaders, but we do read player feedback about releases, and suggestion threads, on the reddit, Steam forums and CNE forums, which may influence future releases.
Hi Erika,
I have a question: version 0.287 from 25.03.2021 - Added Gear and Recruit missions for Odile, Ursula, Pascal and Rosoideae. But I don't have any new gear upgrade missions for those crusaders. Why?
Best regards, Piotr
Hi Piotr,
And you haven't completed any Gear missions recently that would have the category on cooldown for you?
We can take a look.
Hello, Erika! I want to say thank you for giving us the very first Animal Crusader that has the Clicker tag! (Of course, it's a skin for RoboRabbit, but still! That's awesome!)
Anyways, is there a possibility that there will be a small update that is performance-related? I really don't like it when there are a lot of numbers popping up when there's a lot going on. So, will there be an option to disable gold text and health text?
Hopefully you can understand what I said.
Also, marshmallows! They're brutally delicious.
Hi TheKnoticalMenace,
You're welcome for the RoboRabbit skin. Kat did a great job on it, as always. :)
We don't currently plan on removing the number pop-ups, but I'll note down it was requested.
I have experienced a baffling phenomenon: a mission failing when 100% of the requirements were fulfilled. Is there still a small chance of failure even at 100%? Was it a trick of the eye? I'm roughly at 2200 missions completed.
Hmm, how quickly were you clicking through the missions to complete them?
If you're clicking too fast on the complete all dialog, then a fail from a different mission could look like it affected another mission.
But you can put in a support ticket to be sure, if you know which mission looked like it had 100% and failed.
Hey Erika! Long time player. While this is super out of season (By a year or so) I was out when Morrigan the Furious was introduced. About three years ago during your 65th Q&A I requested a leprechaun DPS. I'm happy that my suggestion was finally fufilled! :D I'm offically putting in my request for a new support leprechaun, a leperchaun robot, a leprechaun angel, and a leprechaun demon so in another three years I can tote that it was my suggestion if any of them are made :P
Hi EvilHoodieNinja,
Yeah, Leprechaun DPS is fun. Morrigan's ability to ignore debuffs can come in handy on some objectives.
Well, you never know, the support Leprechauns might end up with skins that do those tag changes, but I'll also add those variants to my new Crusader suggestion list. :)