Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

23 Apr


Originally posted by Filobel

As I said, I do think being too strict on it would cause too much queue time. Honestly, I cannot possibly estimate what would lead to acceptable queue times, because I have no data on how many people are looking for a draft at a given time.

Much like normal matchmaking, the pool of players considered would grow larger as the queue time increases, but it should probably start larger than exacts ranks. For instance, it could put bronze + silver together, gold + platinum and diamond + mythic. Or, since I believe the gold population is significantly larger than the rest (I could be wrong), it could be bronze + silver, gold, platinum + diamond + mythic. Or it could be any other split that makes sense to someone who actually has the data.

Again, I cannot possibly know whether or not it's feasible from a queue time perspective, but I thought it would be an interesting discussion w.r.t. whether or not they should consider it in the first place.

"I cannot possibly estimate what would lead to acceptable queue times, because I have no data on how many people are looking for a draft at a given time."

Until a few days ago, we didn't have any of that data for player drafts either :)

This is an interesting question, with both queue time & gameplay implications. Queue time questions we can sort out as we get more data, but the gameplay questions are stickier. In short: one of the key virtues of Draft is the variability from pod to pod. The more similarly each pod you're in drafts, the more repetitive the format will feel.

This is something we talk and think about regularly. For now we feel like non-matchmade is the overall better experience, but we'll continue to monitor and discuss here.


Just posted this in another thread, but we’re aware and looking at this. For player draft, we didn’t need these logs for our debugging purposes, but we understand that they’re also used for trackers, and we like the value those bring their users.


Originally posted by rrwoods

Do you happen to have any insight on why human drafts don't produce log output containing the available card ids, the way that bot drafts do?

We’re looking to get that fixed; no definite timeline to give at this time. We put logs in for our debugging purposes, and in this case we’re getting our info in a different way. But we get that these are useful for trackers, etc. and we want to support that too.


Originally posted by Drakeeper

The '"Checking for Updates" should take significantly less time.' part did absolutely nothing though. At least on my end.

Oh, good point! See my other comment in this thread for more info about why, but the first launch with this update could still be long. Shouldn't be any long updates after that.


Originally posted by pchc_lx

kinda wish we could have gotten a "Developer's Note" to go along with the client update bug.

Sure thing:
Background: Arena has a ton of different assets to handle all the cards, frames, indicators, VFX, etc. One of the things we need to do is ensure that none of these assets get corrupted, either during download or because of random weirdness with the hard drive. We used to check all the assets for consistency at every startup, but as the asset size continued to grow, this became too costly. Now Arena validates the assets on download, assumes they're good as they reside on-disk, but if it encounters any assets errors during gameplay it will flag itself to startup in "safe mode" next time. This means it will re-scan the assets to make sure none have been corrupted, then re-download any that are. This (as well as several other things) occurs while the client is saying "Checking for Updates".

The bug: In the original IKO release, there was an asset error that could be thrown in certain common circumstances (I think it was viewing a split-card). This didn't cause...

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    on News - Thread - Direct

Apr 23, 17:05 UTC
Completed - Scheduled maintenance is now complete. Patch notes are available, here: A game update will be required the next time MTG Arena is launched.

Apr 23, 15:00 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.

Apr 21, 17:59 UTC
Scheduled - We will be performing scheduled maintenance on April 23 at approximately 8 a.m. PT (15:00 UTC) to deploy the game update. Maintenance is expected to last approximately two hours.

While no downtime is expected, this is a required update. Players who are logged in prior to the start of maintenance will be required to restart ...

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@Tamiyo's Toyboy:

My checking for updates is currently at 5mins 12secs and counting. Will update when it eventually finishes

I mean, there's an actual update that it is checking for right now, but going forward it shouldn't be a problem. Definitely keep me posted though!



Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Premier Draft

  • Adjusted Rank-Based Matchmaking for Premier Draft
    • Developer’s Note: As some of you may have noticed, there were certain scenarios where you were being matched against somebody with a much higher (or lower) Rank than yours – this should address that issue. Regardless, players were still being properly matched on their current W/L record (Ranked draft formats use both your rank and your win/loss record when searching for an opponent).
  • Adjustments to opening-hand algorithm for Premier Draft
    • Developer’s Note: We intend for best-of-one formats to use a modified opening-hand algorithm which pulls multiple potential opening hands and chooses one; Premier Draft was operating contrary to that, and we have fixed it accordingly. To stave off any conspiracy theories, it was previously using our best-of-three opening hand rules (which pulls one, and only one o...
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Hy there,
I got the update. It completely installed. Now the step "checking for updates" doesn't take even longer (no idea if it is just because there WAS an update this time)

So you're saying that the "checking for updates" is taking less time now that you have updated the game?



Am I the only one experiencing this extemely long loading and checking for updates screen before entering the game?

We're aware of this issue! Checking for updates should take significantly less time once the current maintenance is over (like the fix is happening right now).

22 Apr


Originally posted by freestorageaccount

Re: there being two checks for legality, kind of like with targetting, would a counterpart companion called Big Lurrus that instead read "converted mana cost 3 or higher" not let me cast a 3-point [[stonecoil serpent]]? Because the spell would satisfy that but as a card it would not, so that stage is never reached?

That would probably need some new semantics in the prompting-time version of the noun to mean "or has X in its cost", as that could POTENTIALLY become a 3+ cmc spell. And we'd need to ensure the X-bound logic enforced a MINIMUM X choice. Let alone the autotap concerns... #wotc_staff


Hello Azrael (that is my cat's name too btw),

We have a fix for this issue coming in the next update. Here's what you can do in the meantime.

  1. Add another Gyruda to you deck
  2. Put that Gyruda in your companion slot
  3. Save the deck
  4. Reopen it and take out the extra Gyruda from your sideboard

Hopefully, that helps!


Originally posted by AeternumHorizon

A bit of background: I've been doing the DailyUI 100 Day Challenge, and today was to build a profile page. My mind immediately went to Arena's profile page, since it basically doesn't have much function at all, so I decided to try my hand at reimagining what a better page would be like. I'm pretty aware that the buttons/font look pretty generic, but this is mostly just a rough draft and wanted to see if there's other features you might want in the page.

My main focus was to incorporate stats into the page, since I always thought it was strange that you'd have to use a 3rd party app just to get some valuable information about your win/loss and deck matchup stats, especially if you're particularly competitive. There's a few other elements I'm considering adding to this concept, like a row of decks to select for deck-specific stats, but how would you want to see the profile page changed?

Cool concept!

I wish I could share with you all of my mockups for this page. It's one of the places I'd really like to add more functionality to in the future. Good luck with your 100 Day Challenge!


Originally posted by CharacterBathroom4

It would be easier to recall if the card stayed on the board, but it doesnt.

Is there an emblem? I haven't noticed one. That would help

There’s a little emblem-like indicator for Stomp’s lingering effect, yes. Still easy to miss, unfortunately.