Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

17 Jan


Originally posted by andreliverod

/u/WotC_Charlie Any chance to get some kind of statement of what is going to stay and not in the output logs when the full game releases? The information provided is very useful and a lot of people use it. Would love to get into a log parser project myself but I am hesitant to make stuff that breaks as soon as the game releases and debug info is gone.

If we make any significant changes we will do our best to communicate about those ahead of time.

We’re currently not planning to reduce the amount of logging — if anything it will get more verbose, but can’t promise anything there.

Changes do happen, and it’s hard for us to keep track of what changes might be breaking for folks.

15 Jan


It's almost patch time!

In an effort to reduce the scrambling required by anyone who parses our output logs, we've gone ahead and captured an advanced sample copy.


Edit: Since it's a set release, we've also included cards.json and loc.json, so you can match up our new IDs to card names.

External link →

14 Jan


Originally posted by BrianDurex

Played Rich Skorski ( skorski ) yesterday, has been the first time I had an orange name game as well. He played a white lifegain deck vs my rakdos midrange and we had a pretty good match.

If you read this Rich, thanks for all the hard work and a great match.

It was fun! I liked your deck, Rakdos is going to be my guild of choice for RNA. Thanks for the kind words, and keep on rocking.

13 Jan


Thanks for pointing this out! I often like to play Adanto Vanguard + On Serra's Wings and would be pretty upset if this happened to me. I'll see what I can do to help clarify this case.

24 Dec


Can you PM me your username?

18 Dec


Originally posted by sir_Gregali

Boy do I look dumb


27 Nov


We've added an option similar to the stack to be able to hide the mini CDCs. It should makes its way out in one of the next patches. #wotc_staff

22 Nov

09 Nov


Originally posted by No_Politics_Dummy

Are we allowed to talk about Gleemax?

Nothing to see here citizen, there is not a brain in a jar under WotC headquarters.


07 Nov


Hi /u/Nagoto, we're sorry about the situation here. We don't have specific information that we can provide as to why your username got flagged, but please feel free to submit a ticket to our support staff at for follow up and to get it changed. You can also just reply to the notification email and that will get routed to the appropriate teams.

Thanks for your understanding and sorry again for the inconvenience!

01 Nov


We've made a fix for this that should make its way out in one of the next releases. #wotc_staff

28 Sep


Originally posted by 4lric

welp, and it all lasted for all of 12 hours.

Yeah something fell over, we’re investigating.


Originally posted by [deleted]

You'll need to earn more gold to play in events

You’ll need to earn more gold to play in events


Originally posted by PervyAnon

what quests? i skipped the tutorials and done all my daily quests

Hi there. Satisfying the promotional quests should unlock the event modes, but you may have encountered a bug that prevented the 'open up all play modes' action from firing. Does restarting your client fix this issue?


Hi Minerva_sc. You get the same starting collection whether you skipped the tutorial, or played through it. As other have mentioned, some users purchased the welcome bundle during Closed Beta, and so when we wiped collections going to Open Beta, those users were re-granted the contents of the welcome bundle.


Hi pancakess, do you remember what you were playing, or have a screenshot of what you experienced?


Originally posted by Kalameet1012

I thought she was our planeswalker spark.



As others have mentioned, after the Bolas game, you're playing against other human players.

If you wish to replay the tutorial AI games, you can access them through Settings->View Account->Replay tutorial.


Nice, someone noticed!

We felt that it would be easier for new players to grasp mana cost satisfaction if they first saw a mana cost that didn't use any generic mana symbols. They would then see generic mana symbols when casting Loxodon Line Breaker, and hopefully comprehend.

Also it was too OP at 1W and needed nerf.


This is definitely a bug, We've fixed it internally and it should make its way out too yall soonTM